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Everything posted by britincali

  1. If they dont pump up within 2-3 heat cycles they could be gummed up and stuck closed, Ive personally used a few quarts of diesel in with the oil then warm up the motor and drop the oil/diesel out. Ive also heard a quart of that marvel mistery oil is great with noisey lifters just make sure you swap out the oil after it quietens down.
  2. Yup It got hammered on pretty good though, I burnt almost 10 gal of race gas and 3 bottles of juice through her. It was running better than ever ALL weekend, I only had one run where it started pinging really bad and I backed off, apart from that it took a beating the whole weekend Not one bike or regular quad beat me, the only time I got owned was when I got ballsy and moved over to the alky banshee side, those fukers are unreal!!!! Right out of the box they had me by 5-10 bike lengths and no matter what I couldnt catch em
  3. We had a bitchin weeked, both bikes ran t*ts and the only thing to brake was a headgasket on the nitrous one. Did a TON of riding with the wifey on her quad and went on a haul balls one on sat with the guys Thanks for the beers pete I had a mouth like ghandis flip-flop at the south pole
  4. I went shopping last night for this weekend trip... Sharpies Nair Superglue (gel) Beard trimer :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B
  5. Im loaded and ready just gotta wait till I get off work
  6. I got taken $25 for a $6 tube, but hey when you need it :mischevious:
  7. Razor rd. The pumps are credit card jobbies so you can get gas 24/7.
  8. Or a locked up starter.
  9. Are the brakes on that wheel adjusted tighter than the others??
  10. Wrong but funny as fuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71pVGsEN5P0 :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B
  11. :moon: Needs a c*ck and balls on his head
  12. Your too slow man, Ive used mine twice already :B :B
  13. Im a hardcore two stoke lover, simple, fast and they smell and sound beautiful
  14. It could be something easy like a carb or plug issue, im just throwin stuff out there.
  15. He could have adjusted them to tight or the valve seats are toast.
  16. The first sign of needing a valve adjustment is being hard to start.
  17. The dunes are really scarey this season, there are a ton of witches eyes in the weirdest normally smooth spots. Stuff like this is tragic but you should never ride alone, especially at night and especially after drinking. Condolences to all involved.
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