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About sanddunesaddict

  • Birthday 10/25/1979

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    '82 old a$$ sandrail dad built "black beauty" Retired
    '87 250r
    '99 scrambler
    '07 DS 650
    2010 Sand Cars Unlimited
  • Location
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  • Hobbies
    Anything with sand

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  1. that's because they will be out of a job when its for hikers only...they wont need as much man power
  2. hopefully they didn't de-tune it to keep it cool.....
  3. 205 is no issue at all...plus that was after some dyno pulls. probably would run cooler actually driving
  4. Im trying I was hoping to have you guys take it from me when you were in town for the Silver State race but waited to long to get ahold of you guys
  5. lightly applying the throttle may keep it together for more than half a trip
  6. Cliven said directly into the camera he has no problems paying the grazing fee. He will not pay it to BLM. He will and was paying it to Clark County when the BLM forced Clark county to stop taking it. and surprise surprise http://www.naturalnews.com/044670_BLM_lies_fracking_leases_Bundy_ranch.html# and piece of sh*t Harry Reid wants it to "quietly go away peacefully"....
  7. can you send me a pics close up of the foam on the top of the goggle?
  8. I know Becky(Steve's wife) has done all their upholstery in their classics they have. They have a few extremely nice cars
  9. yep gotta love those unions
  10. ^^ there have been articles about all those places but like you said you don't subscribe so you dont see them. youre only seeing the ones people post up about
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