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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. Thats kinda what Im thinking too....borrow a flatbed to bring mine out.
  2. someday I hope to own.... 87 Buick Gn or GNX 93 GMC Typhoon 96 Impala SS 62-64 Nova II
  3. ^^^ what are you talking about I am always there before you!!! I wish I could have made it tonight.Working on tow trucks instead
  4. Love my Droid X. I dont use it alot for what it actually does but when I do I like it.The X2 is supposed to be twice as fast with the new duo core processor.
  5. Damn Pete I would hate to see the road if it ever gets to your "bad" status.
  6. Yeah the road it pretty bad right now but it always is in the summer
  7. Horse Flys....they suck. When we were out 2 weeks ago Little Charlie was trying to swat them with his hat.....got one soild and it landed on the table dead....the second time he did it he cut the fly in half and the tail was in his hat!!!Pretty funny you had to be there.
  8. It was awesome last saturday...just wish we had the full size toys. dunes were virgin everwhere but very soft and steep...just like every summer
  9. I hit Pete up last week or 2 weeks ago I dont remember but he already had plans.....cant make it tonight though. We need to start doing it again even if it only ends up driveway drinking!!
  10. DUH!!! How in the hell did I miss that........Like Pete said a 1-2000 will be fine. I run my 2000 all night long everynight at the dunes that my heater is on.But a 1000 would do the same.I just want to fire up the microwave for a baby bottle for 20 seconds in the middle of the night so I bought the 2000
  11. you need at least a 3000 for the a/c and you wont be able to run anything else while the a/c is on.
  12. I think the Sperry Wash will always be an issue as there are so many trails that come into it and take off out of it. I have come into it way out past the railroad and com to find a marker coming the other way.
  13. just read the minutes......June 9th or July 9th???
  14. I'll be there for the July meeting. Will someone bail me out if I get to loud!!!! I do want to talk this time about some sh*t!!!!
  15. ^^^^ I remember that!!! That was some funny sh*t!!!! Thats right Jim someone left all your electronics and the keys to all your stuff and stole your beer.....RIGHT!!LOL
  16. Lets just hope the new car gets as many miles on it as Black Beauty.......it has big shoes to fill
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