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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. The road was great this past weekend. I was able to do 20.Had to drive around some rough spots but I would give it a A-
  2. Install 6 new 235-85-16 Michelin XPS ribs and NEVER have a cheap tire issue again!!!!!!
  3. if they do then just draw a new number and put his back in.
  4. Like Pete said the grease needs to be the real tacky red stuff. they also have a new slip yoke that helps but it still ends up coiming back.
  5. I will be out just not sure when yet.
  6. Liquid Lustre is my favorite. It works awesome and protects it at the same time.
  7. I can imagine. Although having a 18 month old who now realizes she isnt the baby anymore and is very pissed off about it
  8. Well Nathan is a week old today and I thought 2 kids was tough.....3 is a challenge to say the least. thanks everyone.
  9. it is very funny. Aaron was telling me about making it.I couldnt stop laughing.
  10. Couldnt have said it better Pete
  11. We are te 1st in Vegas and they were checking on the state. I dont know how you could do the US because of time zones. Everyone keeps asking us what we got.....nothing. We got a happy healthy baby boy!!! I dont know if we will get some stuff later but I will let you all know. Pete has a funny story about this.
  12. My wife was due 1-11-11 and was having some weird pains thursday and thought for sure she would go into labor thursday night but nothing. Friday morning came with a few pains but no contractions. We had the both our parents and family over for new years eve for some poker and movies. At 10:30 my wife started to have some very strong contractions that started at 10 minutes apart.She had 3 of those and then went right to 4 minutes!!!! We get to the hospital just after 11 and find out she is ready now!! We had to wait for the doctor who went home as there were no women in labor at 11pm.She got back at 11:50 and suited up. My wife is such a trooper as she went totaly natural and had the baby in 4 contractions!! So Nathan Bert Coe was born on 1-1-11 at 12:00:15 7lbs 2 ounces and 18.5" long Pretty cool but dealing with the media was more than I thought it would be. Here are some more pics
  13. Thanks everyone!!! Just got home what a weekend.
  14. Very awesome!!! Thank you very much for posting that.
  15. Dude thats a 3.5 turbo honda.....thats like 800HP and if he puts a wing on it thats another 200HP!!!
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