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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. I will have to come see it run and take you for a ride in the car.
  2. Its not a duner anymore. Its got 100 hp due to that swinger!!!
  3. Got there very late Friday night and pretty much just went to bed. Unloaded the car Sat morning and went to go find my buddy to help me tune the suspension. didnt take u very long as Don and the crew at SCU built me a car that was 90-95% dialed.We only made some small adjustments and I was having a blast going through those woops on the back stretch at 85-90 MPH Have a couple more small drivability issues to work out and need some larger tires but the second shake down run was a success as I drove it in the trailer. Thanks Pete for the bed.Thanks Al and crew for some awesome grub as usual. See everone T-Day.
  4. yeah thanks Terry and all those that helped. even though I did not particpate...I was pretty busy getting the car dialed for T-day weekend I appreciate the work involved to raise money for FODD and DDR.
  5. Looking for some Sand Master 35.5 rear tires. Whatcha got??
  6. results are in. 2775 with a full tank of fuel. Which is where I though it would be.
  7. Well I dont believe the scale readings and I am going to get it to a CAT scale to confirm. We put it on the scales twice after zeroing them out both times I also stood on all 4 wheels 1 at a time after being on the scales and all 4 went up and back down to the original number. If the weight is true which I will confirm hopefully tomorrow night I think I am going to have an animal of a car on my hands. Here is the proof!! lets hear it!!!!
  8. I forgot to post the pics of the fact that I have the worlds most expensive nap maker!!!
  9. Got to the dunes about 8am on Saturday. Got unloaded and had to finish up a couple things on the car. Got everything done and went to make the rounds to see everyone. Ashley and the girls came out Sunday morning and we had some very nice runs with the car with the whole family. Ashley was very impressed with how the car rides. A very good weekend with very little issues on a brand new car.
  10. No problem Stacy I should be there.
  11. LOL That is so funny thanks for the pic Pete
  12. thanks for the awesome pics Pete It was a very good shake down run/maiden voyage. Very little issues and drove it in the trailer which is good for any weekend. When did they get rid of all the whoops on the way to comp !!! Thanks for all the help from everyone that helped me. I went and set up the springs and ride height tonight.Also scaled the car.
  13. Well after thrashing for 4 weeks now I am still having issues. It runs as you saw the video. I had mutilple coolant leaks.The headgasket is leaking oil. The starter broke the shaft and spit the gear out. So i get a new starter and smaller clamps for the coolant leaks. The engine still runs like crap and I am waiting for a knock module that was supposed to be in my hands last thursday. I am not giving up but it is not looking good for halloween.
  14. I post it in my build thread
  15. All I have to do is get the damn car to run right
  16. I hear ya. I have a 300 amp circuit breaker before the switch.Then the master switch.A 100 amp mega fuse going to both the fuse boxes.Then I fire up the rear fuse block with a 85 amp continous duty solenoid and all the relays to accys after that.
  17. Will do.I think I will go down to the old 93 highway for some WOT blasts.
  18. I wish you could see my wiring Bob. I think I have the most sh*t in a wiring system ever in a "sand car".You would think I had a vehicle burn down or something.
  19. Man what a day. After last night I was so frustrated and actually very pissed off.Its not like Jim and I dont know what we are doing I mean come on.I didnt get any sleep last night as I was going over wiring diagrams in my head all night. Rechecked a couple of things tonight and we got liftoff!!!! Going to Butches in the morning to double check my outboard hubs and then some tuning this weekend.
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