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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. kinda.we are staying the night and coming home on sunday
  2. Yeah i pm'd him earlier today but thought i would put it in the thread so others knew I was interested.
  3. Got the new Sand Sports magazine.Articles look great and pics are awesome Pete
  4. Bulk heads figured out.....GM horn brackets that we never use and end up throwing away because we use the factory bracket. Here is from my rear master cylinder to the hard line which will be going to the cutting brakes and then hard line back to the pivot housing.There will be 2 more of these brackets at the pivot housing....they work great and match the other hardware on the car. Here are my power steering hoses and you can see some more brake line work in the background. these are the brake lines and clutch lines. They are a regular brake line but instead of just a clear cover over the braid they have this "smoke" color which looks bitchen on the arms. also got my limit straps mounted today.
  5. I might have room also depending on what vehicle we take.
  6. bulkhead....I have the front one figured out...I just need the rear 2 at the pivot housing.
  7. Wait till you guy see my brake and clutch lines!!!! All I can say is SUPER BADASS!!!
  8. Started on the brake lines tonight. Stupid me forgot to weld in some sort of bulkhead braket for the brake lines So I am hoping to maybe fab up some nice aluminum ones and attach them to the chassis. power steering lines are being made as well. also have to fab up a clutch pedal stop.
  9. who is making your PS hoses?? What color line you using?
  10. I am getting tired. LOL Yes it has definately been a long time coming as everyone knows. I just will be relieved when I am sitting on top of a dune with all my friends in a sand car again probably watching a sunset!!! Thanks again Pat for helping me with the clutch bleeding.
  11. How my machine follows???/ You old guys just try and keep up ok!!! My mind is getting fried Terry trust me...trying not to forget anything. Clutch line done and bled.
  12. engine is back in it. light bar on.hopefully brake lines this weekend.
  13. it is nice. There was some things 1 person couldnt do by themselves!!!
  14. ^^^^ i know you have some because that "Bronc Buster" has towed us out before.
  15. got some more progress this weekend. I need to pic up some parts to do anymore. here are some pics. got the calipers hung cutting brakes and pedals installed light studs trimmed and all mounted up...still have to do the light bar get some brake/clutch line parts,ps steering hoses,couple of phone calls for some info and some other stuff and hopefully all I will have left after next weekend is wiring.
  16. Yes it is.We always used to stay in the camp ground. Some rangers pissed my dad off and thats when we started going to the meadow.
  17. thank you. thanks everyone We are pretty excited.
  18. Thanks Pat and everyone else too. Be working on it all day tomorrow hopefully
  19. also the first pic was my dads first car..He gave it to Kevin when he got the car in the second pic infront of the one he is working on it had a 2.3 Pinto engine. Then came Black Beauty.
  20. I tried to find that thread but couldnt so I just started a new one.
  21. Pete and I talked about this before and I have been trying to get the old pics from my family back in the 60's and 70's. I got a few this weekend at the family reunion. This is at Coral Pink in 79.This may have been the trip my mom rolled a Baja with my dad and she was pregnant with me. Here is my Uncle and grandma. I guess its like they say like father like son.....this is my dad(on his knees) working on someones car.The young boy and the guy standing there is my dads youngest brother and my other uncle in that is in the first pic Look at the paddle tires. Here is a pic of either my dads cousin Jim or my uncle Kevin(they looked alot alike at this age) at Dumont in 79 sometime and I believe that is my dads youngest brother. Check out the varitracks.Those paddles worked awesome but they didnt sell alot of them. I will work on getting the others from people and get them scanned. This isnt quite as old but was when Black Beauty was only a couple years old as thats a 85 Odyssey in the back ground at Coral Pink. anyone else feel free to post up old pics.
  22. Justin did this for a living for a short while on a off road race team. He told me when tearing down for maintenance it is a little easier do to everything as it wears in and getting slop in it.
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