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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. I was on flat land about half throttle in 2 wheel drive doing a power slide in sand.I was at the dunes. I can bet money that it was so fatigued from me running very low air pressure a couple of times with mud terrains on the street.I would take it very easy around corners but the whole truck would buck and jump around corners.
  2. I wish!!! It was already broken from a little trip out to Nellis Dunes monday night It will be back on the road tomorrow though. Gearworks has some badass ideas for a BULLETPROOF axle design.They will be able to hold 500HP Ya know that 1.6L is putting out 750 HP so I just might still have problems so I will have to take it easy. I wont use reverse!!! P.S to you Pete
  3. sounds like some a$$hats to me. :flatbiller: :mischevious:
  4. He does very good quality HID conversions in just about any light.Including toy hauler flood lights.
  5. They do not care period. One of the service writers at work is dealing with corporate right now and they just laugh at him. It will be a waste of time. But I was thinking of giving the link to him for his court case.
  6. I didnt know you help Lyle on his race team. That record still stands.
  7. No you dont have to replace the valve cover...just like Dunefreak said you unscrew the black plastic ring and pull the pcv valve out.
  8. Damn this is some funny stuff.. I havent been beat by any farm equipment yet but I'll go...so what if I loose!!!How much did you spend
  9. Geo Tracker,Suzuki Sidekick or Samurai is still 100 times better than any long travel 20k plus Rhino,RZR or anything else of the sort.
  10. Well your cop friend is WRONG! Its illegal. Semi trucks can even get a ticket if the blowing the horn wasnt necessary. I almost got pulled over sunday on the way home for blaring mine saying bye to a friend I was traveling with.
  11. Got mine done at Camping World a week before thanksgiving. It only took about 30 minutes
  12. Who had your mog last night?? It was still at comp when I left at 10:30-11.With a bunch of guys in the back!!
  13. was awesome weather untill last night...extremely windy virgin dunes this morning.Rain was coming in as I left at 9
  14. music sucks a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. screw wheelieing on the hill what about when you are just cruising in you truck or in my case the Tracker and some a-hole has to come by extremely fast and rock my sh*t countless times Last weekend we got rocked so many times in Petes truck I think my next trip I will have my BB gun locked and loaded :argue:
  16. Ron Pratte bought it along with I think 8 other cars. Its a drop in the bucket for him!!! I wish I could see his collection some day
  17. You must have walked in as we were walking out but the looks of the staging lanes. I took over 300 pics :ah: Its funny Pete I was doing the same thing:taking pictures of the screen at the end of the bidding to see the price. It was cool seeing the Funkmaster Flex Mustang going for 300k and the guy and his wife didnt even blink. 100% of the money went to the childerens diabetes foundation.
  18. They dont make Dexon III any more.If you can find it use it.06 and newer have to use Dexron 6 and this is probably all you will find
  19. You can still use Dexron III in your trans but you might not be able to get it anymore. It has been superceeded with Dexron VI. I personally would recommend Transynd trans fluid. It isnt cheap but it can handle alot more heat and last 150k.
  20. Tim what did you do with it???? It was there the last time I serviced it.I dont think I have one in my box but they arent very much.
  21. you think???? What the hell. You know I will be there!!
  22. Congrats Pat....If the 1835 wont cut it you know what you can put in there
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