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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. Weekend was good.Was having a great time.Fun to have my daughter out there for the first time. Thanks Danny for the help at the hill. Thanks Craig for the ride back in the truck...maybe I will buy one of those pink quads, that way maybe I wont get hurt. Thanks Nick for riding the killer back to camp for me. Thanks Chris for letting me relax in your hauler. Thanks to everyone else for caring and checking up on me. :hug: :hug: I think this will be my last hoorah on a quad they all might be for sale and I will just finish the buggy up quick and have the Tracker also.
  2. It takes a very long time for diesel to go bad. I'm not really sure how long though.Probably shorter now with this new bullshit low sulfur diesel!
  3. No he is selling a SCU car and its orange.That looks like a Double Throw down
  4. I hear ya Cole. I believe that as soon as you become a criminal you have no rights. Like the camps in Arizona the prisoners told the news that its cruel and unfair...if you dont like it then you shouldnt have broken the law. That sheriff down there I cant remember his name... was asked how these prisoners can work all day in the 120 degree heat...he was told that is cruel and unusual...his reply was when our boys overseas fighting in 120 degree plus heat with full gear and all they weight they carry get some more respect and support maybe I'll ease up a bit. criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I second that I think the Hustlers are awesome
  6. Yeah same here. Dont buy them if you dont like them. Also they must a making money or they wouldnt be out there especially with a brand new 50 foot trailer :wedgie: So people must like them
  7. Joe said the regatta was the weekend after Halloween??
  8. When we had our horses my mom would tow out the horse trailer usually with a quad in the back also and my dad would tow out the flatbed with the other toys. My mom and sister would go up the Sperry wash trail or over the highway on horseback and my dad and I would ride the buggy and bikes. I have seen horse trailers out there before.Especially Living quarter ones.
  9. Mine were the night before yours :boyyy: My camera is just fine
  10. There were no rocks in his trail that I saw but he may have hit them and they moved far enough that I didnt think he hit them
  11. the ultra low sulfur is all that is available anymore anyways so youre good on that. It might be available some other places but Utah,Nevada and California all have it already
  12. Yeah and at 2 years I was on my CR500 :worthless_without_pics:
  13. It was such an awesome weekend in general. Had a really good time.Met some new people too
  14. No but I was out there extremely young.I think about 2 months out I was in the rail already.
  15. Hey Bob no problem I'll send you the bill. That pic pete is talking about,He would have hit the tracker if it was there.There was a some small rocks but the tracks looked like he just went straight threw them. I think he just got crossed up in the woops and lost it.
  16. Same here...Chris and I were like WTF??? He was an a$$. :shocked2: The older ranger actually checking passes was cool as hell.He almost let me go with last years pass.But I had to be honest and stop and pay.
  17. Maybe if Capt stripped some of that powdercoating off he would save about 20-30 lbs
  18. I used way too much effin fuel this trip!!! Damn wind
  19. I am looking at the weather channel right now as I type this and it says nothing about wind??? in the high 70's-low80's :angry2:
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