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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. You want to ride my slow a$$ DS??? I dont know about that.I myself have only ridden it 3 times :dance: I'll see you out there.
  2. Yeah come on guys.....besides I'll smoke all of you in the Dune Tracker anyways
  3. This car was at the show....BAD a$$!!! As far as dual purpose cars for the desert statement....I have never seen a class one car or a trophy truck sitting as high as some of these cars do. I would put all that I have(which isnt very much I know) on the table to take one of these "Monster Sized Rails" dual sport or not it will end up on its lid in the desert or if its driven hard. Class one cars and throphy trucks have about 50% droop...why is that you ask???? FOR HANDLING PURPOSES!!!!!
  4. Actually in the summer I'll still use it because I wont have anything else. I'll just do weekend trips in the summer.With 3 a/c units I will stay cool.
  5. I need to get the new trailer!! I just got the renewal for the 6500....$504 This sucks paying for this truck and not using it. Hopefully soon though :dance:
  6. I cant believe how many cars are down there even in the rain. Alot of new stuff which is cool to see.
  7. There were a couple of them at the sand show. I thought they were pretty cool.
  8. They can make them in any color except orange. The black ones look normal. I would like to see a set of these after a hard dune season. I think the Polyurethane will hold up good
  9. That Sand Snake car is the Viper powered car.
  10. T-Rex was nothing to what V-rex is going to be!!!
  11. I'll try I get too sore riding hard anymore But we will still do it
  12. Damn I remember that Fiero out there All those pics sure do bring back memories.I remember so many of those scenes The new sand sports mag has all kinds of "budget" rails.
  13. They probably will be because thats always what RIS Designs brings
  14. the ASA newsletter I got ast week said they are starting to sell them 9-5-07
  15. I have never gone inside first. I just pull on it and hit the button...tell them its a personal pickup.
  16. Have fun with that....GOOD LUCK We will be in the nice cool weather in Costa Mesa!!!
  17. the new lsx engines can run 220 all day thats where they are designed to run
  18. Then come on a ride with us. Try to keep up
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