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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. I wondered how long it would be before Joe saw this and posted it up. I saw it this morning...smoking deal!!!!
  2. Sorry Terry I dont have your number. Pete and I were texting back and forth it was already late when he decided not to come out. It was cool but they only ran the high 10 second cars which made for .001-.003 second differances I guess the faster classes couldnt keep it together,they would all jump him and run too fast...damn sandbaggers They had alot of exhibition runs,some jet cars which are always cool. PSCA was still out there so some 6 secons street cars They also had a couple of top alcohol dragsters and a top fuel altered<this was really cool.
  3. I read your post wrong then. I thought you meant you had him covered skill wise through the dunes.
  4. Well Ive only ridden 3 times so far but I do already love it. We will see after this season. It is definately the most comfortable bike I have been on.
  5. I have been waiting for a big Honda 4 stroke since I bought my Raptor in 02. I could wait to Ride Red again. That thing is the biggest piece of sh*t I have ever seen. 508 pounds! I'm glad I bought my DS
  6. I know of a car that has tilt steering.He just used a GM column
  7. you 2 can use my ramp if you would like.Its smooth so just just slide the barrels down it. This is how I always move mine.
  8. Sad to hear. There are a ton of mines that people still havent found up there.This is one more they will fill in now. My mom grew up there.
  9. That sucks Chase.Even though I dont like you I would never want somebodys possesions messed with.As my co-workers found out early in my employment at work. :icon_twisted: DO NOT fk WITH PEOPLES sh*t. Like everyone else said karma will get them.
  10. Carne asada,cheddar brats and breakfast burrito fixens No not cookies to all of you
  11. NO its a space shuttle and dont you forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I have pics but sorry I cant post them. Ryan will post pics when he wants them public.
  13. car is siiiiiiiiiiiick everybody is in for a treat when this thing gets to the dunes.
  14. its not done but its on its way to Vegas as I type this
  15. I've used the Dewalt 115 but my current one is a Black and Decker. It is the same gun except for a differnt color. the Dewalt worked great(it wasnt mine had to give it back) the Black and Decker is the same cant tell the difference. Doesnt matter which one you get you still have to use a torque wrench or breaker bar to make sure they are tight.
  16. 20's will spin easier and slide easier than 22's. 22's you mike have to gear down on the front sprocket
  17. My choices will always be STU Padla Brats comp cut or Skat Trak haulers. Bigger guys like my self,Cheese,Isbb,Sandyfz and Dunefreak can still throw a bike around with Haulers.They do not like to slide with little people on them or inexpierenced riders.
  18. I'll have to scrounge some up.
  19. I dont know Bob this is probably one extremely fast car.Its only got a little Eco-tech
  20. No he is hardly ever on here anyways.
  21. Rear end ended up being about 6k I think. He is still waiting for parts
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