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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. Hes got the S4D its the bigger S4. It might hold
  2. Thats the car I have. Its fun as hell to drive and launch off the dunes
  3. I woulnt have gotten stuck in the Tracker! Sorry I wasnt there to pull you out
  4. Everybody get a cold beverage and some popcorn because this list is looong. 2 Broken ankles Compound fracture to 1 arm because it went through the spoke(3 spoke wheel) on the steering wheel when the wheels jerked and spun the wheel OUCH Face mangled because it hit the steering wheel with his arm in there.Face also hit the steering shaft mount bar when it pushed up. 3 broken vertabrae in back 3 compressed vertabrae in neck Numerous broken ribs. he was life flighted out to the trauma center where they operated on him until monday morning( happened Sat afternoon). Very lucky to be alive. What sucks the most is it was only the second trip out with the car.
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^Only a handfull of people are going to know about that Eddie. :no_no: Its CampGr*** now :jester:
  6. I'll be there taking on all who wants some of the Dune Tracker!!Try to keep up
  7. come up this week woody,I think Tim will be in town also.
  8. Hey craig sorry to tell you bud but its already done. It happened last year.Its already illeagal to ride in clark county except for at Apex. They are also enforcing the stickers too.I havent been in the desert(except for a 20 minute ride on the new ds) since my crash.
  9. Jeez who is this angry a-hole. I cant belive its already been 2 years.Its funny I met my wife this month 2 years ago too Ive met so many cool people on here. :freakin_nuts: to many years to come
  10. DDR sucks a$$. You guys are a bunch of losers!! :freakin_nuts: I cant believe after 2 years you people havent done something better with your life
  11. I think its luck of the draw because I was exactly oppisite
  12. Damn I wasnt even there and my name got brought up??
  13. Tim dammit dont be telling everybody that you a$$
  14. There goes your towing capacity
  15. I went almost 4 years on my Carlisle's but I hear nothing but horror stories about them.I still bought them again so we will see. Just do not buy the Goodyears.When I bought my trailer new I had one blow out the first trip and then every trip after that. Didnt Pete just buy a set of Maxxis tires for his??
  16. Actually a iron block will be more reliable and make more horsepower but at much higher numbers than stated. At a certain point you get cylinder wall deflection and causes the rings not to fully seal. I have heard of it at real high horsepower levels in small and big blocks. Thats why back in the day they used to fill the blocks with cement for top fuel before they had Billet blocks
  17. I second the Yamalube!! Once you get the bike warmed up see where the choke/idle is.You can adjust this a little,if you go to far you just wont have a choke. Pilot jet will adjust the idle.
  18. Yeah when that happens your leg ends up like jello and kick it anymore. A fresh leg is always welcome
  19. Actually they use prototype cr125 frames. I talked to them about it.Service honda is the company.
  20. Yeah the air horns are stupid loud in a building. My shop foreman almost pissed himself when somebody pulled them in our shop.
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