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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. You'll be fine Nick. You know what the torque is like from your 426 now its just getting used to the top end pull of the 2 stroke. Dont let them give you sh*t ....I hope you have a blast on the new bike and congrats
  2. I had to look it up. I didnt know it either
  3. Oh I thought it was random. only 1 came up
  4. Do you need glasses too.The graphics and the sound of the car.And its blue. It was there for you too??
  5. You wont believe this I just went to the link and watched it...The random videos at the right,there was only one.It said Dumont Wheelie....It was Joe in his old car
  6. I just watched the last episode.Thank god I'm so glad they didnt give it to that moron with the tat on his neck....he had a damn gun in his waistband at the end of the show when they give the award away. I'm glad I only saw 1 episode He pissed me off him
  7. I went to see him at his last show here. He is funny as hell.
  8. Now Craig that isnt nice...I'm telling Tiffany you havent even been married long :icon_twisted: :porn:
  9. In the beginning Allison wouldnt let us fix them. They would only send us a replacement that was painted black so they could track them. but now they let us repair them if we can,I think Chad(our tranny guy) still has only done solenoids and seals.He had to put a converter in one because of leakage but thats it.
  10. Yeah we had Madilyn Rose in mind but we wanted to see her first. Everybody went out to the waiting room while she fed for the first time and we agreed on Madilyn,we have already been calling her Madi.
  11. I remember watching it live he was in his motorhome talking to his mom telling her he feels good and was going to do it...she just broke down in tears.She didnt want him to try it.
  12. This is still the best X games moment yet Travis
  13. Here is his statement. He wants to get back on a board in a couple of weeks :worthless_without_pics: His comments
  14. Its the clamp for the umbilical cord
  15. Thank you to everyone. Here are some pics One proud mama Dad loves her Ready for the ride home Steveo thought he was funny
  16. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No that would be to easy not mention awesome
  17. I'll let you know soon as I find out.
  18. Actually that was fun also. today when it poured down at work Jim and I went out in the flooding streets(Gibson/Autoshow area) and washed the trucks. The Tracker is so short the water would just go over it completely...it was like I was in a tidal wave
  19. Jim and I having some fun. Its to bad we didnt get out there earlier.
  20. If you dont buy it I will. It is worth more than that.
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