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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. Lets talk about depressing...me eating cookies and milk making everyone laugh or Nick showing up and standing off by himself not talking to anyone like a depressed drunk at the bar
  2. Thats what I thought too but I do remember him talking about an 091
  3. I was before that but not in the middle of summer
  4. This is what I keep telling myself...I'm looking for a 4x4 version of my big truck for the same price and options
  5. Scott (other owner) and my father were close friends. I have always taken my stuff to him,he does awesome work and is a real stand up guy. He wont bullshit you either,he will tell you like it is good or bad.
  6. Im not I should be caring for a couple week old infant at that time
  7. no its just since ive met you Ive always have lived in the "ghetto" as you have said many times
  8. What is this then. I dont live in the ghetto
  9. Ok Kenny its 6:35 where are the pics??
  10. The lakes and ponds at Coos Bay
  11. yes because its a medium duty all the medium dutys come with an Allison auto or a manual Spicer or Fuller
  12. They come with an Allison trans from the factory and its probably not the same rating as the 5.9 like in the dodge,its the higher horsepower one since its a medium duty.
  13. better get out there very early...All the desert access roads and locked down and BLM will now give you the atv in the desert tickets if youre on or in a OHV. Last time I had to take my rail down the 95 to get to the powerline road for the checkpoint that Dave is working again this year.
  14. Dammit Cole I just spit Pepsi all over my keyboard and screen
  15. Damn thats over 10000 lbs. Find a tank and I'll put it on the bed of my truck.Then I will have a smooth ride
  16. July 30th or August 28th are full moons
  17. I want to go,Ive gone every year and its always fun.
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