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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. Chris(Duelordie) and I got there friday night about 8 or so. Hung out playing PS2.Went for an early morning ride with absolutely no tracks. It was very hard to see even at 6 am. Played PS2 all day in Tims trailer(thanks for the hospitality again Tim) took a nap and waited for all the other people to show. Dune tracker is still badass Road is only getting worse especially after all the traffic this weekend. I wont be going out again untill its fixed tired of beating my stuff up.
  2. That was Mike (Speed Racer car). I wonder how Tim got dragged into it...it sucks either way
  3. Thats really cool.You dont see them alot anymore. Too many poachers :angry22:
  4. She just said they have used that place but he is 4 weeks out COME ON!!
  5. You need to put a smaller pulley on it and put some more timing in it. It will run extremely well then
  6. sanddunesaddict


    That is some funny sh*t
  7. Pete it still shows the mistakes Gerald pointed out.
  8. No not really...dont get all butt hurt over this When I do work for people that isnt through the shop its because I want to help them out not make money.
  9. Just make sure to buy and Dodge or Ford so I dont have to work on it
  10. What do you live in the fridge and its not turned down all the way so its only 72-75
  11. Yeah next months bill will be assessed with the new rate plan :dance:
  12. Just got home and mine was here waiting for me also....225 :dance: T-stat never goes below 78.
  13. yeah this is a good one! and dont bring it back broken or smashed
  14. Bust out that RC10 and lets go to the track
  15. The Hpi is a cheap copy of my FG so until you get some german sh*t I'll smoke you.
  16. Coral Pink,just park in the meadow. You will like it alot more,especially because no kids. With kids its hard at Coral because the little quads have a hard time in the very soft sand.
  17. I'm already ahead of you b*tch!!! Try to keep up!!!!
  18. thats right up your alley Tyler
  19. only if it id clean dc power if it isnt (like the yfz) you have to modify it. I dont know if the ltr is clean or not.
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