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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. zzperformance.com grandprixstore.com and there is a couple others i cant remember right now. One company even has a turbo kit for them.
  2. You can buy the car for about 900 RTR. But a pipe and K&N air filter and paddles and all the other cool stuff adds up.
  3. Those paddles and front steer tires are finally availible but they are out of stock everywhere. Cant wait to get them for mine.T-maxx tires arent cutting it.
  4. ??? We told everybody we are leaving the Shell at 5:00
  5. There is already a speed limit and it does not a fcking thing!!!! The rangers will just watch as people speed by just like they have for the last couple of years Rangers need to be stationed at the exit from comp to the flats at that little hill on your right as your coming back(so you have plenty of room to slow down coming off the whoops) and at the last finger dune. Also the river doesnt get any drier!!!!
  6. Yeah to bad we could drag race...Dune Tracker vs S-10
  7. I have a '70 Chevy Longhorn Edtion loaded with all the options....I just need to get it running again :ahhhhh:
  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^As long as I have known him
  9. Already checked out the bike....I think just a battery.Its not overcharging. ATV connection forums say to install the Odyssey battery.It lasts alot longer but its still under warranty so back to the dealer.
  10. Seeing that video and knowing the story of Jeremy I wish you guys had that on video!!! My buddy Brad used to be the same way.Funny sh*t
  11. But what about freak accidents...is it worth the risk?? Its only nine months you can wait.
  12. Thats were I just camped. Becareful because behind me closer to that tree everyody that was there dumped their tanks. And left all kinds of trash and their fire barrel.
  13. I didnt pay cash I financed it so I still have all my buggy money.
  14. I probably would but Pete has to work saturday.
  15. Ok here is mine...Sunrise at Coral Pink
  16. I appreciate every thing they do. I got goose bumps reading that.
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