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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. Not to smart :disco-dance: :disco-dance: Rhino jump
  2. My father in law and I were thinking of going up there and checking it out untill my wife's boss went to check it out...he said its a joke. Most of the land that is for sale is on a mountain side and you would have to carve it out to build anything.
  3. Well Im excited as hell to be having a little girl in about 3 1/2 months!!!
  4. Ive heard the Pami stuff is the sh*t but very pricey.
  5. You just dated yourself.I remember who he is but dont know any quotes damn your old Cole
  6. Out of the box they are turds. My worn out 200+ hour 660 with my fat a$$ on it has taken alot of them.
  7. I just think if it isnt expensive Maxdout doesnt think its cool. It has to be alot of money or its worthless and stupid...at least thats the image he portrays to me. He has never once complimented on anybodys projects on DDR Keep doing on what you are doing and HAVING FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because that is the main thing
  8. Dont forget about locking seatbelts and a HEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry off topic
  9. Yeah 14 miles to me to get the sh*t beat out of isnt worth it. I will be going Pahrump from now on. Hey f*cker you might need some double stuff Oreos or some Gilbys!!!
  10. Terry after talking to you last trip about how much longer it is I decided to take it home. I forgot how smooth that road is!!! I wont be taking Tecopa anymore period!! It was 14 miles I believe longer......not worth it in my eyes anymore. PLus you can stop at the quickie mart and get a drink or use the bathroom if you had to
  11. they kinda already are in California. You cannot buy any new 2 stroke powered bike,quad,weedeater or jet ski.....or so I have been told.
  12. Well after just reading hotboat.coma nd gd.com all i have to say is Some people are only alive because its illegal to shoot them!!! :angry2:
  13. well if you dont get involved then you shouldnt b*tch and moan. I am a culprit of this at times
  14. He was at the sand drags on sunday. Honda civic engine,turboed and had a b&j auto trans. Rider is 70 something years old. He runs 15 psi of boost. He used a top fuel pro stock bike chain
  15. Firday night was date night for my wife and I.We went to dinner then out 4 wheeling in the Tracker ,then went and got some ice cream to wrap up the night. Saturday woke up early took the wife to breakfast and went to the sand drags out at Primm.Was a blast. Saturday night went to Craig & Tiff's wedding,good times. Today going to church with wifes family and relaxation
  16. Steve my trailer is the standard height and Joes Rhino would fit with the light bar down. If you buy one with the extra 12,18 or 24 inches in height you will be fine.
  17. I probably want to have the healing regenative powers. You dont have to worry about getting hurt and being laid up.
  18. Yeah like my incident..."He was speeding on the flats and roosted us"(me)..."So everyone does that"(ranger) WTF is up with that...I know everyone does it.There is a rule against it but they dont do anyting about it.
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