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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. can you believe they make these in a 16!!! Ashley had to import them staight from Australia
  2. I know the lock did its job but it didnt matter.You can weld the doors shut and if someone wants in they will get in. I didnt mean it as the lock failed
  3. I'll have to get them rounded up. I have some back in the 70's and maybe 60's
  4. You can always run fat but you cant run siezed!
  5. Actually Ashley does. I need to go get it.
  6. I want an Albins trans and a new trailer to go with the truck! But I know I'm not getting them
  7. I was just going to ask if you still had the rest of that pole I got you last time. Remember me bringing that into the shop
  8. People dont breathe as much smog as everyone thinks. The brown sh*t that everybody sees is at a higher elevation.
  9. Oh here we go everyone on here is going to think I hate them now. Anybody thats wants to talk to me in person and have a honest discussion I'll explain why I hate the smokers I hate. The type of person they are.
  10. ^^^Yeah talk to all three of us.I have had 2 surgeries Just whatever you do dont overdo it. When I had my first back surgery I broke it a month later and they had to go back in. Take it easy and let it heal whatever they decide to do.
  11. Dan I have nothing against you. In general they are a-holes. I would just like to hang out and not have to go through hazmat before I go into my house.
  12. smokers The first thing I do whenever I get home from dinner at a bar is take all my clothes off outside and take a shower.I leave the clothes outside untill I do laundry. It is so nasty and smokers dont give a sh*t.
  13. Yeah Ive never heard of a sobe bomb either. Also whats the hype about magnesium in the fire.I hear its really cool,anybody know about that.
  14. What the heck are you talking about DDR spot???There is no such thing I'll be there in my usual spot.
  15. They do its called a turbo 400 or a powerglide!! FlyinRyan's car has this combo and it works awesome.
  16. It gets you in the ballpark but is not accurate because you are climbing elevation more than covering ground but it is close. But Sandyfz has a radar gun we can have some fun with.
  17. Yes,If you want to see a wheel that has been in use for about 15 years then I'll show you.There is no damage. Yes it works on all types
  18. Tell you guys what...I take all the trash on big weekends and only charge $25 a person or load. That will end up being cheaper than $100,000 unless I take more than 4000 peeps trash home. :icon_twisted:
  19. Berryman's tire sealer is the sh*t. Best stuff on the market imho. And if it starts to leak again after while then pump a couple of ounces of antifreeze into the tire to liquify the sealer again.
  20. Well I'm the same size as you and have never been beat by a Predator on my Raptor! Ive even taken a few trx 450's
  21. LOL Yeah that son of a b*tch pulls the cutting brake and pitches it sideways in the middle of the highway and I had to swerve around him. He says oh sorry that was the turn back there.So then we are going back up 93 for about 50 yards going the wrong way...luckily no traffic. But it was a blast that night.
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