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Everything posted by sanddunesaddict

  1. Its my right to sh*t my pants next to someone over and over untill they leave....but its very rude.
  2. Yeah thats breaking a law and thats bad. We would be low lifes and not wear a helmet and go ride there!!
  3. I was thinking the same thing. That new Outlaw is going to be pretty impressive
  4. Yeah Kelso has been closed for along time. I have pics of it from when dad and friends went..It is huge.Dunes are bigger than Dumont. But we will never get to play on them.
  5. You mention cars and trucks go through crash testing...this is true. What happens when a FREAK I repeat FREAK accident happens and the person could have lived IF he or she had a helmet on.Does the govt now have to mandate helmets in cars and trucks.
  6. Please.......all your trucks couldnt touch mine.LOL LOL
  7. I'd like to see that... You couldnt hang if you life depended on it!!!
  8. You know exactly what it means.....BROKEd*ck!!!!!! Your always broke but always spend extravagantly
  9. Something else......Why does somebody else have to enforce my saftey.. I'll trust no one with my saftey but myself!
  10. You post like youre in the Sierra Club.
  11. Who said I dont wear a helmet??? I always do We dont need a law that will do nothing but tie the rangers up even more for stupid sh*t instead of getting your proclaimed people that" are one of those people that think their sh*t doesnt stink, you are never going to get in an accident, and you drive by people's camps at 50 popping wheelies thinking you are cool and boosting your ego." But rangers cant bust people for this because they are to busy with stupid sh*t!
  12. I think this is a case of mommy and daddy didnt let Spider expierence life at a young age.He had to many rules There is a law for mc and atvs because a-holes in washington think they are god and want to tell people what to do. I can probably guarantee Ive been going to the dunes alot longer than you. So ive seen morons like you come and go,so.......get lost already!!
  13. YOURE A DOUCHEBAG!!! If I dont want to wear my seat belt its my choice If I dont want to wear a helmet is my choice! If I jump off a bridge its my choice!! If I want to do whatever the hell I want to that is illegal is my f*cking choice. Do you wear a helmet in your daily driver car...because you could have an ACCIDENT and get killed by your A or B billar hitting you in the head P.S anyone of my friends will tell you I obey laws to much so dont go thinking I break laws all the time.
  14. My uncle went and got his because his trailer weighs a little over 12k loaded. He was told by DMV and NHP that if the trailer weighs over 10k loaded or unloaded you have to have it. Just like my new truck its gvwr is 25950 so I dont have to have a cdl.Now if it was 26,000 or more pounds gvwr even though the truck doesnt weigh that I would have to have a cdl.
  15. I agree with you, I must have misunderstood what your post was about. I grew up riding those fingers and my parents never roped off the dune...but there werent as many people either.
  16. Terry call Dave at Old Volks Home in Henderson. He might be able to help,not sure if he knows turbo systems or not. Tell him I told you to call him
  17. Almost everytime cars pulled out of your camp(green car included) all the cars would fly up the big part of the finger dune to get to the other side :shocked2: :fro:
  18. Im sure you guys picked it up but saturday night people were throwing their beer cans in the fire at comp just like in camp....I told a couple people about it when they did it and they looked at me like I was crazy and would pull them back out so whatever.
  19. 80's car ad all real driving
  20. You guys all came home after dark. You should have see all the trash bags that people"lost" on the way home on the Tecopa road,cars hit them and trash was everywhere. I cant believe all trash at comp.Ashley and I went for a early morning quad ride and I couldnt believe it. Allthough I hear DDR did an early clean up trip!!!
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