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Everything posted by MCGYVER

  1. Here is the site i got all the 411 from, has a list of files u need and all the instructions needed. I followed it to the letter and works peachy without sim card. http://sleepers.net/news/2008/07/25/winpwn-20-guide/. Phone Has all featured unlocked, was just a paperweight til i found this info. The site is " Multilingual" (it has pictures for the guys and words for the girls) lol ! later
  2. I'm gonna go ahead and reply to my own post, is that legal ???? Ha Ha. I was able to find an Iphone hacker 101 site to walk me thru unlocking/ hacking my phone. I finally got it unlocked so i can -----scratch that ------so my son can take advantage of all the other features of the phone , minus a dial tone. He can use the phone he already has for that. Just wanted the ipod portion etc to function, and i figured out the unlocking program and it is good to go . HOLLA The fine . folks at cricket wanted to charge me the low low price of $ 49.95 to unlock, i got program and instructions online, and did it all by my big boy self for NOTTA. i took home economics, thats a better deal..... free......... my favorite 4 letter f-word !!!! thanks anyway folks Mcgyver (IHACKER) out.
  3. I wish it were that easy, but tryed the sim card out trick, it just says no/invalid sim on display, even tryed sim from my new iphone and.... no dice . Fockers.
  4. Knowing what i know now, as far as them straight locking the old one up, the speed increase isn't really all that ! live GPS is kinda nice, but if i'd a knownn they would render my old iphone useless, would have NEVER upgraded to 16gb 3G . there is not one logical reason why they can't leave all the other features alone and intact other than thats there way of thinking they have u over a barrell. The laughs on them, cause the hackers all came out of the woodwork and already cracked the 3g anyway. People are getting more cash for used old version than new ones cost, cause folks dont want to get tied down with a 2 yr service agreement. If u purchase 3G, its activated before they let u walk out of the store, and u have to agree to 2 yr agreement , or they wont let u purchase !! just my 2 cents.
  5. No argument there, seen program all over the place for anywhere from 12.95- to 50 bucks, wanted to see if anybody on here has any 411 before i spend good beer money on an overpriced calculator
  6. Whats up DDR peeps , wanted to know if any of members is a or knows a Iphone hacker ? I got the new hot dang beechin 3G model on roll out weekend, and as exspected, when they deactivated old on and activated new and improved model, the old one now does NOTTA. Another one of the games they play with the Iphone !!! Without service to phone, the rest of the features are WORTHLESS !!! Can't use WIFI, camera, ipod, nothing ! when turned on, it just gives ya the old connect to itunes to activate picture. I have a couple of programs to unlock phone, Iliberty, and another one, but haven't a friggin clue why there not working . Anywho Cricket cell will unlock them for the low low price of $49.95 !!! I am not intrested in getting activated with another carrier (which is what these programs do) just want to unbrick, and gain access to all other features of phone (wifi, camera, etc )which can and is done all day long with some mad hacker skills . Otherwise it is a really nice $ 600 dollar paperweight !! May list in classified section as an overpriced paperweight, but not very marketable @ that price !!!!! :black: . Going for 3-4 hundred on ebay still for the folks that dont want a 2 yr. commitment with AT&T . :shout: Calling all hackers !!! :shout: help a brotha out !!!!
  7. Oh.... and chew on this too. http://www.pe.com/business/local/stories/P...26.3622490.html
  8. HERE, READ THIS ....... http://www.pe.com/business/local/stories/P...26.3622490.html
  9. I have an 08 33 ft attitude 5th wheel , on the back ( or driver side) of unit has door ( looks the same as crapper hose storage door) . Inside the door is quick disconnect ( female end ) and there is a 25 ft coily hose in there with male end . Pressure washer is a play on words here . Cause it simply uses water pump pressure from rig to power it . ( or water pressure from rv park hook up) . My cheesy unit simply has a conventional garden hose fitting on the end , with the super wazzu " twist til u get the pattern your looking for " model nozzle . Another over hyped feature to put in sales brochure . Makes as much sense as a screen door , on a submarine if u ask me !
  10. That focker is the poop. Missing one itsy bitsy item. That sucker needs a ice cream man sound package, i know a dumb a$$ that has one on his friggin rhino....... he annoy's all the peeps at the dunes with it !!!!oh wait deeeerrrrrr.
  11. Survive-ability ( ya i just made that word up ) in a crash in a rhino would be WAY higher than on any bike and / or friggin moped . Or a trike for that matter. already have 4 point belts in all 4 seats . Put a cross bar across the door opening, and you are way more protected than a motorcycle with side car , or even some of these cheesey a$$ jap job cars on the road. I'd roll mine to work on a daily ,considering gas just hit 4 bucks a galllon !!!! license plate lite signals winder shield ( redneck word) already got horn, headlamps( HID in fact) two words........ git er done!!! ya thats 3 , anyway u get the fuggin point !!!!!
  12. Yep, when u can find em (and afford em) ditch the duallies for one fatty in the back. Cruising a dually in the sand, is like trying to ride a 10 speed in the sand - no bueno !!! - did it once there at the D , never again !
  13. Tylers Right ! That focker turned out sweet - FO SHO :afro: Awesome airbrush work . Nice job :beer_bang:
  14. Nice Ride ! congrats. Thats off the hook fo shizzle :afro:
  15. Just FYI.... Bill Gates dropped out of college in the 10th month. He's not doin to bad ? In fact with his current income, if he were walking down the street, and saw 500 dollars layin on the ground, and he were to stop and pick it up.... he would be LOSING MONEY. ( cause he makes more in that amount of time.) He has slipped into the number 3 spot for wealthiest person in 2007, but hey he "gettin by" . There are the folks that become professional students, and go to school for friggin 12 yrs, and end up waiting tables for a living ? Its like pete said in an earlier post street smarts goes a long ways for some. Just for the record the U.S average median household income for 2006 was around $ 48,200 !!! Less than 2% make over 100 grand. Why not make it 3% ?
  16. Hey, where can i buy a set of those ???? :chug: :chug: :chug: :chug: ...remember, -shiny side up- !!!!! derrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  17. UMMMMMMMM........ ditto on every word the man just spoke, i have been working at new car dealerships' since i was 17 yrs old ( a couple yrs ago) the last 17 years for the same company, and i have the exact same "benifits" as freak does. sad part is 17 yrs with same company, still ONLY get 10 paid vacation days. (havent worked there long enough to merit anymore apperently) :mc_smiley: :chug: if u want great benifits and recognition for a job well done .... a car dealership is NOT the answer.... its an honest days work for an honest days beating... just like the slavery days. !!!!! Get a coushy city/state job as a tech for that . Hope i didnt offend at coushy city/state/county wrench type peeps, wanna be "politically correct" dunno if that helps, but be cool, stay in school , go into financial services, lord knows this world could use the help !!!!! " keep on dancin or someone will steal your shoes " :boyyy: :dance: :6pak:
  18. Maybe give these peeps a try , who knows, maybe u can get some fancy smancy DDR ones made www.the-flag-makers.com dunno what kinda prices they got etc. ??
  19. . . I GOT IT.... The guy in the front rides with above said "hellmitt" and it serves as a "bug guard-slash- spoiler-slash-airfoil, so when a pack of em go dunin' they can "draft" him and avoid "dirty air " and/or bugs derrrrrrrr.
  20. i'll go out on a limb here..... i bet nobody it that picture makes the payment on that mama jama ! i would think a couple more bodies would equal a nice full view "sunroof"
  21. How may people can u fit on top of your hauler/coach . Looks like a world record attempt huh ? I took this @ nascar race in vegas over this weekend ! An easy 3000 pounds on this roof ...... three letters... WOW
  22. Just an FYI here...... far as i know (which ain't much) weekend doesn't make a 17,000 pound bumper pull trailer, there in the 10k- to 13k range at most. And the heaviest haulin class 5 hitch i have ever seen is around 15k ? Are there any tag trailers this heavy ? if so what kind of hitch would u use to attatch it to ? inquiring minds want to know ?
  23. The California radio stations were mentioning something about it today ? They were saying the rider was coming down a hill and crashed somehow ? Can't always bank on 2nd 3rd hand info ? Hopefully someone has correct 411 ? Thoughts and prayer from myself to the family , any accident from a minor fender bender to a big deal as this troubles a person . God speed
  24. Actually His parents own both the Infiniti stores. Josh Towbin (aka Chopper) is however 1/2 owner of Towbin Dodge. He was involved in the daily running of the Store i am at, but was is the active word here. Nothing constant but change .
  25. Correct, all keys have to be done at the same time, if u just do the new one, the old one will seize to operate. Same with the remotes. But the remotes on that model can be done in your garage at home, no tools needed there. The newer ones with "I keys " or intellegent keys are remote/key in one package, u dont even have to take those out of your pocket/purse to unlock /start car.
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