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Everything posted by MCGYVER

  1. actually i think its alien ? I before E except after C ?
  2. ride was a bust, showed up there around 10:50, chatted with a few people, lined up out in the open, and Tanner and Russ (with the orange rhino w/flames were the only ones to roll w/ me and russ/donna out to the north pole, and about 10 min. later 14-15 more pulled up all together and didn't say anything to us about the ride, they took there own group photo out there, and we went on back to comp for a while. As far as i could tell, i had the only dale jr. bud rhino out there to look for @ hog heaven ? waited around til 11:20 to take off .Next time perhaps ? Hope everyone was safe and made it back in 1 pc. I have to work mon., that's what happens when u work for CHOP. :mc_smiley:
  3. awe heck, A good technician doesn't need all the bolts, if it takes 4 bolts to hold it on , 2 will hold it .........(for a while) :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  4. hold up, slow your "roll" there kj, seems to me i saw a rhino that looked just like yours layin' on its left side up on comp , with a guy that looked just like you pinned under it with his foot stuck, and if memory serves me correctly, it HAD offset wheels on it ? so i don't think the offset wheels would fix it, i just have to "tighten the loose nut behind the wheel" (me) :mc_smiley:
  5. thanks rodney, couldn't have tipped it without the saftey safari, one of many reason's i try NOT to go out alone.
  6. Quick safety tip.... How NOT to go down a steep hill and make a quick right turn . Rhino's are top heavy anyway, quick r turn at bottom of steep hill = shiny side down. Friggin rookie , loser.... party of ONE your table is ready
  7. That looks finer than a new set a snow tires !!! I am diggin the color as well, i am kinda bias when it comes to colors. I like any color, as long as it's RED !!!! Lookin pretty sweet !!!
  8. Ya.... what she said.... i mean i said ranting as her.... wait.... ah foget it, race blew !!! out
  9. Not sure what part of town u are @, but there is always Jones feed on Rancho/lone mnt. get about 1/2- 2/3 truck load for 60 bucks.
  10. I talked to the people with the ultralight myself when they were loading up the busted plane,( they were camped right next to me) the pilot had a broken pelvis, a broken leg and 2 broken ribs, but is expected to live to tell about it. The plane was in several pieces when it left. The rail on the other hand was toast, cage bent flat against rail, landed flat on lid from way up the air. Not a single tire track on the other side of gap he flew, just marks in sand where cage parked the rail. My heart goes out the the families involved, looked like a VERY bad deal.
  11. Sweet, got any pics to scope out ?
  12. Richard & Pete Z are a great team @ hendertucky Chev. And Matt Layman is the man as well, tellem' Bobby LeVeck said so !!!! :no_no:
  13. WHOA. WHOA. WHOA, Your not those guys that run with Scissors, and pet strange dogs are you ? I have heard stories about kids sitting to close to the television, and NOT waiting the alotted 30 min. to swim after eating.. but THIS , this is just whacky. Next thing you know, someone will bring alcohol to the dunes and things will just get out of hand. watch out for this type of behavior, and report it immediatley, this type of behavior leads to people staying up late and jumping through fires and stuff. people these days geeeeezzzzzzz.
  14. Here it is like a bowl of granola,: what ain't fruits and nuts IS FLAKES.
  15. not sure what's up w/that wheel, it may be a "D" shaped wheel like you and i have, and the steering is turned a little so u can see the bend in the steering wheel ? Or it just may be a f-in triangle, if u spend 30k on your rhino, maybe they will throw in whatever shape u want ??
  16. Just for the record,here is the comparison I was making, does anyone see a small likeness here? or is it just me ??? It looks similar when painted white ( as i stated and was "quoted " as saying several weeks ago) i wasn't knockin anyone's work, or anyone's glass design. I merely stated the "likeness " to each other. Man , new people sign up here ,and there 1st couple post's they are all over every one ?????? not really intrested in who's toy's cost more, just here to chat and be easy goin. joke em' if they can't take a _uck
  17. That's a sweet lookin unit u got there tony, congrat's :freakin_nuts: enjoy.
  18. Show was pretty packed fo sho Alot of Sick A$$ sand toys, and a boat load of rhino's all around. Saw a stretch limo/6 seater rhino in one hall, probably does all of 20 miles an hour now with all the extra weight !! ALot of neat inovative idea's and different styles. Not much for sale in the rhino accessories i thought? The UTV/side by side scene sure in on the rise for poor folks like me that can't roll in the 100k plus dollar sick sand toy. It 's all good, as long as i got a gas pedal and a cupholder for my beer, its all good. Ended up staying @ same super 8 as pete, and did see OGP's unit in the lot as well as several other DDR folks. I may have gone to bed before ya'll got back in for the evening?? Had a good time, will return next yr. hopefully. And maybe the traffic on I15 north will actually be moving when we come back !!!!!!! f-in freeway blows.
  19. I go tecopa every time. Baker is WAY out of the way (for me) but have gone back thru pahrump on ocassion, like when my son flew off a razor back and busted an arm and 3 teeth oooppppsss. new hospital opening in pahrump soon !!!!!
  20. Hey, i saw you that night @ Pricks with that Drunk A$$ Kracker you was wit.
  21. Looks like a stormtrooper from star wars ? (in white).... Just one McGyvers observation . Oh wait how many of me are there ? ya ya i know one is two many , save me the reply , that was easy one.
  22. They sell those babies @ bass pro shops in Las vegas, look like they work great !!! There up on the 2nd floor with the hunting stuff.
  23. The B5 they are selling @ the sinclair stations is Bean oil based, not like the old french fry oil etc. they make the other stuff out of. You can manufactor the stuff yourself, comes out to about 1.70 to 1.80 a gallon, its just the investment in the equipment to manufactor it that gets pricey. lets have a DDR fund raiser and buy/make or own Bio. SWEET.
  24. Also, be advised it might be a few cents cheaper a gallon (if your lucky), but it burns faster, and you get LESS distance on a tank of B5 than u do on conventional diesel . Better for the environment, but crappier mileage is the end result. Until you get going with something other than soybean oil based, (like B5) your gonna be going less distance on a tank, cause we did !!!
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