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Everything posted by 1BADYFZ

  1. IF your in L.A I know a spot, Just passing along the info..I also have a personal Diesel Tech friend who knows his sh*t and is ASE certified...
  2. Send the Yosh back and they will do the packing for free, maybe HMF has a similar service. I wouldent waste money on a dyno for the YFZ or LTR unless you have major motor mods, they are very expensive. If you in socal i know someone who will do it for free. Let us know what you added to bothh bikes and maybe we can help with the mods, I have had a few YFZ's and a LTR and never had them dynoed tuned and they worked great.
  3. 1BADYFZ


    I wouldent waste my time with the WD40 before leaving because then you will gather salty sand in those spots you sprayed and it will stick throughout the day and start to eat at the metal. I would (If you are doing day trips) just go and stay out of the water and rinse before you leave with one of the many power wash stations on tha way back to the freeway. Then when you get home rinse again and spray with WD40!!!!
  4. I work for Playboy Entertainemnt and the business seems to be picking up again. We hired a new CEO and he has some direction on where to take this Digital era and where to send the print era that has been hurting us for so long. We have lost almost 20 employees in the legaal and compliance departments in the last year ansd recently heard we might have some new hires The pay for talent that perform on the porn vids is down a whole lot and the talent is the bottom of the barrel. Top girls would get 1200 a shoot asnd now is about $600... Also we are trying to figure out how to get rid of all these free porn sites that pirate are expensive produced material..we will get them..
  5. It's amazing that Obama can cause so many problems according to you while only being in office for 10 months...This place is like it is because of the last jerk off that was in office...
  6. Those have got to be the longest toes i have ever seen in my life!!!!!!God Dammmm
  7. Send a copy to the peeps maker, may get lucky..If anything you can be a Yotube sensation!!
  8. $4,500 I hope!!! I really appreciate the advice guys, you guys really know your stuff and see alot of stuff i dont.. the gearing issue for me is a problem and coming from a turbo to a VW engine is going to be an issue. Not being tuned up from the carbs and leaving me to figure it out . And to me the engine looks like its way too small for that engine compartment and maybe a quick switch. I really dont want to trade a perfectly running Jeep for a problem. will this thing fit into a 19ft attitude toy hauler anyways? i am trying to trade for quads but I am itching for something....BE sTRONG!! thanks for all the advice.
  9. I am not a wrecher and I like my teeth, I will wrench when needed but if this is a every trip type wrench and every trip some sh*t breaking then i am not with it... I could get a bike running but this thing i may not be ready for, the suspension is as stiff as a board and the way Dumont is or any dunes for that matter i can feel my guts shaking around right now. Thanks for the advice bro...
  10. I have my jeep for sale and this dude wants to trade this rail for it, he has sent plenty of pics but me not knowing much about sandrails except that i would love to have one i am not sure what to ask or if it's a POS. He said the seats need covers and the carbs need to be dialed in but other than that it is a mazzone mid-engine with a 1776 vw engine with dual 44 idf carbs. Pics were taken today Here are the pics..Thanks guys
  11. funny thing is, me not knpwing much about boats those pics look real good, would have fooled my asss!! SOrry that sucks!!
  12. 5 detained in Border Patrol agent's fatal shooting Said Betanzos / AFP/Getty Images Ernesto Parra Valenzuela, 36, who was identified as the shooter in last week's killing of a U.S. Border Patrol agent, was injured and carrying a 9-millimeter handgun, according to police in Tecate, Mexico. The men were arrested by Mexican authorities within days of the killing of Robert Rosas last week, but U.S. investigators have not said whether they are suspects in the case. By Richard Marosi July 28, 2009 Reporting from San Diego -- Mexican authorities have detained five people in connection with last week's fatal shooting of a U.S. Border Patrol agent, but U.S. investigators have not said whether they are suspects in the case. The detainees were arrested within two days after Robert Rosas, a three-year agency employee, was shot multiple times by suspected smugglers near the border fence. Killing of Border Patrol agent prompts...One of the men, Ernesto Parra Valenzuela, 36, who was identified as the shooter, was injured and carrying a 9-millimeter handgun, according to police in Tecate, Mexico. Parra and the four other detainees -- believed to be immigrant smugglers and bandits who were near the crime scene Thursday night -- are being held at the federal attorney general's office in Tijuana. In high-profile cross-border cases, the Mexican government frequently provides U.S. investigators access to suspects, but it is unclear whether U.S. agents have questioned the men. The FBI, which is leading the probe, has a "strong interest" in the detainees, but is continuing the investigation on several other fronts. "We don't want the public to think this case has been solved. We consider the investigation ongoing," said Darrell Foxworth, an FBI spokesman in San Diego. He said investigators are communicating with Mexican authorities and are closely monitoring the situation. More than two dozen investigators from five federal and state agencies are working on the case, Foxworth said. Cross-border probes are fraught with potential legal and political complications. After the arrest last year of a suspect in the death of another U.S. border agent, Mexican authorities released him, saying their U.S. counterparts hadn't filed an extradition request. The man was later rearrested in Mexico. Mexican authorities appear to be cooperating in the Rosas case. They permitted Border Patrol K-9 units to cross the border to try to track down suspects and allowed U.S. helicopters to sweep the Mexican countryside with high-powered searchlights, sources close to the investigation said. Rosas was responding to a report of smuggling activity near the rural town of Campo, about 60 miles east of San Diego, when he was attacked about 9 p.m. by one or more assailants. There were signs of a struggle, and the attackers took Rosas' weapon, radio and other personal gear, according to the sources. The detainees -- one or more of whom may have been injured in the confrontation -- are believed by Mexican authorities to have escaped over the border into a remote, largely lawless area overrun by bandits and smugglers. Mexican authorities arrested four alleged smugglers who were escorting 21 immigrants through the area. One of those men identified Parra as the shooter, according to a news release from Mexico's secretary of public security. The release also said authorities seized three rifles, a revolver and more than 100 rounds of ammunition. It is unclear how the alleged immigrant smugglers are connected with Parra. He was arrested by Tecate police about 2 a.m. Friday morning with a gun tucked in his waistband, according to police. In another possible lead, FBI officials have yet to say whether a man at a San Jose hospital is connected with the case. Homeland Security officials detained the man Friday afternoon at O'Connor Hospital there. richard.marosi@latimes.com Related storiesAround the Web Suspects arrested in U.S. border agent’s killing|cnn.com 4 Arrested in U.S. Border Agent’s Death|cbsnews.com 4 Suspects Detained in Mexico in U.S. Border Agent’s Death|foxnews.com Digg StumbleUpon Reddit Mixx ShareThis The literary skin trade Entries are now being requested for a new anthology of literary tattoos. Venezuela's Mt. Roraima Featured in the Pixar movie, "Up," Mt. Roraima is a wonderland of eerie landscapes and odd flora and fauna. PhotosCooking through the seasons Your guide to the freshest produce of the season. Recipes included, and updated regularly. Comic-Con 2009 The costumed masses – and the celebs – have arrived in San Diego. Photos | Updates Save over 50% off the newsstand price. Click here to subscribe to The Times. Email PictureEmail | Print | Text | RSS ADVERTISEMENT Most ViewedMost E-mailed ADVERTISEMENT Sports Headlines 1. The 1984 Olympics had Rafer Johnson to light the way 2. Oddsmakers see Lakers as NBA favorites, with or without Lamar Odom 3. Angels' 'machine' breaks down in ninth 4. Dodgers don't fret over loss to Cardinals 5. Suits making a mockery of swimming championships Q&A: Michael Jackson VIDEO: Post your questions and get the inside scoop on Michael Jackson's death.
  13. Authorities search for gunman who killed Border Patrol agent 7:34 AM | July 24, 2009 A manhunt is going on this morning at the U.S.-Mexico border in eastern San Diego County for the gunman who shot a U.S. Border Patrol agent to death. Details were sketchy this morning, but the agent was fatally shot at about 9 p.m. Thursday in an area southeast of Campo. The agent, whose name has not been released, was patrolling the remote region with other agents when he got separated from them before the shooting, the FBI said. There were signs of a struggle and some of his gear was taken, investigators said. -- Tony Perry in San Diego
  14. congrats bro, the family looks great, now go get some sleep and let the bossy inlaws take care of the new born..lol
  15. Aaron you can only ride one bike at a time, Do something nice with the family and sell that sh*t, the raptor is 10 times better anyways.
  16. good comic, he is funny!
  17. I can vouch for one thing...YOU MY FRIEND ARE f*cked UP IN EVERY PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worthless_without_pics:
  18. Man you people are harsh, I hope people dont disrespect you guy's when you die... RIP michael...
  19. Michael Jackson has died also at the age of 50... :B
  20. Why do u post stuff that is on every front page of the news and internet news pages? May she rest in peace!!!!
  21. I want to apologize for cutting people off on the freeway.. I dont drive an orange dodge and dont live in vegas. Just wanted to get a jump on saying sorry when someone posts that i cut them off and drive like an a$$hat..
  22. dont you have to know spanish before you graduate from the academy?
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