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Everything posted by 1BADYFZ

  1. I work for a major porn company that buys alot of Vivid titles and there is deff. a small market out there for her... Me personally i cant stand her........
  2. I have seen them and they are fairly new, I willl have to stop by and maybe get a quote to see if they will buy my trailer. Goodluck on the RV, that is a god price for sure.. I will PM you in a second, but i deal with Carl's Acres of trailers, they beat out the last toy hauler price i boght by 5k, almost sh*t my pants when i called them.I know they deal with attitude but not sure about stellar
  3. what is the cost on this? Do u take in trade ins? I have a starcraft 19ft and an attitude 19ft i owe some cash on, the starcraft is paid for. Will you beat any price i find or are you the lowest?
  4. Do you owe money on the truck? If no then what is the big deal on what they are giving you? If you do owe are they paying the balance off. The extra sh*t you do need a ryder for or atleast have them adjust the value when you put the stuff on. I went to them and showed them my stereo, my wheels and the tires and they took pics and adjusted the value of my truck incase it got stolen, I also have GAP insurance to pay off the balance i owed to the bank.
  5. Atleast your honest, good luck and there are alot of peeps that i am sure you could camp with...
  6. WOW, I hope you dont ride a quad or drive a rail...Drinking like that ended a long time ago for me and seems to be a bit much. I guess when you grow up with a bunch of drunks in your family you kinda of know how this story ends. :chug:
  7. YEs full factory warranty left on the dodge which i believe it's 5 years or 100,00 miles, which ever comes first. I am going to bring up the rust on the exhaust manifold to see if i can get some feedback on it and the history and maybe a discount. Or just to check the chracter of the sales people and see what they say about it or think it's an issue. The dodge can be delivered from Utah for 500$ for inclosed transport and i will pay the tax and license cash so it seems i may get this truck for 25k or maybe even 24k if i ask nicely..
  8. Thanks for the feedback craig, that ram is looking better and better every day. I would love a mega cab but only for the looks dept. But to me not worth the extra 5k for that option and the chevy is nice also. My 02 Dodge ram was a great truck for a gasser, never let me down and is still running around town with 130,000 miles on it.
  9. Ok guy's. Been looking around and have some favorites that our in my price range and all vary with different mileage and year and condition. I will post pics and you let me know what you think is a OK deal or a good deal. I have some questions on the ram pictured below and wondered if the engine pics is cause for alarm with the rust and basically worn looking engine it has, is that a warning sign for bad things to come. I will post a pic of a clean engine shot from a similar ram for sale on that lot.. First Pic is a 2006 Ram 2500, cummings diesel 4x4, 6 inch lift on 20 inch rims.Same truck i used to have but i had the 1500 version and no 4x4. They want 25k for this truck and it has 46,000 miles? is the engine shot, seems like water or the damm thing was in a flood or the intake manifold is rusted or nothing to worry about?? BAd engine in the silver truck Good engine in another ram truck on the lot. 2nd truck..2004 2500 Chevy HD w/ 4x4, 6 inch lift on 20 inch rims and 35inh tires, real clean truck with 58,000 miles and they want $24,000 for this truck . I really like both trucks, i like the dodge a little bit better but the engine pic has me worried and the color on the Chevy i could get used too but is a bit older then the 06.. These are just some trucks that i like and the price is right and has all the options i am looking for. One more question i have is 80,000 miles on a diesel alot of miles, there is a bad arss mega cab with those miles for a good price but tooo many mile in my opinion.. THANKS ALOT GUYS ..
  10. I agree with you a 100%, I always wondered who they are talking to that early also... On another note that is a very good write up and i feel the exact same...
  11. The satellite radio company could file for bankruptcy within days, according to the New York Times. Waiting in the wings? EchoStar, which has already taken on much of Sirius XM's mounting debt. So, is satellite radio about to go silent? Well … not quite yet. I doubt that the service would go dark overnight were Sirius XM to file for bankruptcy protection, but as the Times points out, the company might have to cut some of its pricier shows—I'm looking at you, Howard Stern—during a restructuring. Another scenario: A takeover by EchoStar, the satellite TV company that's circling Sirius XM like a vulture. So, how did Sirius XM get into this mess? Chalk it up to a mountain of debt: $3.25 billion, give or take, about $175 million of which the cash-strapped company owes this month. As Bloomberg reports, Sirius XM turned down a takeover bid from EchoStar back in December; since then, EchoStar has been buying up chunks of Sirius XM's debt. Neither Sirius XM nor EchoStar are talking, but sources tell the New York Times that the two respective CEOs—who are "said not to get along"—are "locked" in negotiations. (That must be a fun meeting.) Negotiations over … what? Well, the Wall Street Journal (via Tech Trader Daily) reports that EchoStar is offering to bail out Sirius XM by restructuring its debt and pumping in some much-needed cash—in exchange for total control, of course. If that happens, say hello to "Sirius XM: An EchoStar service." The alternative: Sirius XM files for bankruptcy, leaving EchoStar to pick over the remains in bankruptcy court. Either way, I'm pretty sure we're looking at the end of Sirius XM as we know it. The best scenario for subscribers, I'm guessing, is a takeover by the well-funded EchoStar, which could probably keep the satellite radio service afloat without skipping a beat. But bankruptcy … well, if that happens, prepare for Howard Stern to be replaced by Crazy Chuck, broadcasting live from his mobile home in West Sacramento.
  12. That sh*t IS FUNNY RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!! :ah: :poop:
  13. I second the motel 6 that cheese is talking about, i took his advice and it's like a 5 minute drive and to me they dont feel the effects of price gauging even when the holiday came around...They have plenty to eat, gas and the rooms were nice...
  14. This railroad situation at glamis has been recovering from idiots every year either getting killed, hit or causing the train to d-rail. I think they have finally said enough is enough and unfortunatly i am sure even with the fence there will be some idiot who will climb the fence and get hit again. When is enough enough and how many times do they need to turn there heads when someone gets hurt. As of know they are tired of turning there heads and solved the problem by blocking it. We Can see the same thing at dumont with a totally different problem and we have to be pro active and make sure we educate the riders so they dont go to an extreme like closing something down. A good comparison is the out of bounds fences that are set up at dumont, if people keep riding out there they will say enough is enough and we are closing the whole place down because we are responseable adult who cant follow the rules they have set up... For one thing this is a lesson learned and we need to be pro actie on all the issues at Dumont..
  15. As long as the price is right that will be the plan, i am actuelly a little scared on the deisel purchase with all the work i hear you have to put into them but i know it will benefit me alot. I just cant go the places i want pulling my toyhauler with just a gas engine. I went thru that with the 1500 going to sequoia and wanting to go to utah and mammoth but the gasser will kill me in power and gas prices.. I really appreciate the websites guys i will keep you updated...
  16. I am in the market for a Diesel truck, Ford, Chevy or GMC, not sure yet but i look daily on autotrader and Liftedtrucks.com so i got those sites covered. Anyone know anymore? looking for something already lifted with decent miles for a good price..Or anyone selling one.. Only lifted please ..thnx. Maybe even a 6.0 liter chevy or GMC, no v10 fords..
  17. Everyone had a version of Magic Mike to test the bumps..Too funny
  18. Looks sweet, Take it off any cool jumps?
  19. After correcting me i hoped you filled it out einstein..........?
  20. My wife works for a diesel company and the owner told me the 6.0 has had some problems but only after the exoctic stuff was put on to make it go faster. Other then that thay are good just take care of them. Hell he said all the diesel trucks have issues and wil cost a boat load of cash to fix any major problems but thay are all good in his book. Waiting to pull the trigger on a D-max or a ford. They need to be lifted and the right price but very soon. I sold the 1500 and cant see me driving a v8 again..GO BIG OR GO HOME!!!!!
  21. Does anyone else want to kick him in his nuts? Jay leno Chin ma facka!!!!
  22. When you say "Just about had to give it away" is that becasue the 6.0 is a POS? I seen a nice one for cheap but the stories here scare me, I am sure they are good trucks as long as you service them? right?
  23. I usually say "Eat A d*ck" but the "Bag's Of Dicks " comment is a little more funnier, and the "If not Try some Coffee Cake" toped it off....Good one PRez...
  24. This is a 70 regetts not the damm supercross, good layout though
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