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Everything posted by 1BADYFZ

  1. http://www.hulu.com/watch/38056/the-great-...dumont-dunes-ca Whiners...
  2. http://www.hulu.com/watch/38056/the-great-...dumont-dunes-ca
  3. Great pics of the kids bro.. My daughter likes to ride but my son lives to ride, everything he does is about bikes and he is only 2. He wants every bike toy in the store, plays with all the trucks and atv toys i buy him and rides his lt50 by him self. I everytime they get on the bikes because they love like i did when i was younger... few pics
  4. Looks like you had a few weenies sharpied on your head in the past, IT"S ALLRIGHT BRO... Your lucky he dident get the girl sleeping next to him, she is fair game for a weiner plastering...
  5. Are these lights the same as the running lights? I have a question on what should i check if my truck running lights dont work at night?Meaning when i hook up the trailer the trailers running lights dont come on but my actual truck running lights work fine. The brake and the blinkers work at night just not the running lights on the trailer. I connected the trailer into another vehicle and thy worked perfect so i know it's the truck. do you guys think it's a fuse and if you know where to find them on dodge ram 1500? I havent looked yet so i am sure i can find a fuse. I checked the connections and the prongs in the power source connection and it all looked fine so i am thinking a fuse is the problem. Do they have 1 specific fuse for the running lights or will 1 fuse run the brake, blinkers and other stuff at night?
  6. MAn i live next to Veterans park, i go up Polk to get to my house...Hope he is Ok.. Thank you all for trhe positive thoughts and we made it out OK, We were evacuated last night at about 12:00 but i had to stay to protect my house for a bit but had an escape plan if it crept up on us real quick. Had the toyhauler set up down the street with the kids and wife safe, stayed up till about 4 watching for embers and the wind kept calm but is kicking back up this afternoon.
  7. more Buldozer creating a fire line, awsome machine.. Fire on the other side of the valley , Not a good time as you can see it takes up the resources from the fire behind my house, hopefully everyone is OK... I suspect Arson!
  8. Woke up to this in the morning...Everyone is OK... http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b129/sam...nt=bb9c0d04.pbw Right behind my house, everything is OK right now if we get thru the evening.... Some cool pics
  9. 1BADYFZ

    In and out

    It's NOT REAL< WE CALLED THE OFFICE AND THEY SAID IT WAS FAKE.... http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/nothing/innout.asp
  10. Houseboats are awsome, have an awsome vacation.. :angry2:
  11. You actually look younger in the second pic!!!
  12. They better stick to riding bikes, they suck at fighting..a$$hats
  13. LTR450rider sent the video to me and i will have it up in a few minutes!!!! JUST KIDDING!!!!!!LOL
  14. I think it's a good thread, first time i have expressed my views on a site and listened to others.. But when it comes to a beer or a shot of tequila i think we are all on the same page here in America.. :beerbong:
  15. I agree with all of the above: you all make great points and here is how i see it and maybe get some responses or corrections to my thinking since you all have been thru alot more then i have. I do get alot of my views from my father who was in the vietnam war so i have some idea of what is going on 1. We have got alot of problems in our own country that are being forgotten about but we jump at the chance to go help someone else and spend all the money needed when i wish we could spend a little in our own country which is so hard to find the funding to build schools but we can send billions in AID to country's who done even respect us, just to be the nice guy. 2. I agree about going over there and busting a$$ on the terrorist because the way they think and how much they hate us will always keep us in danger, BUT will we ever change there ways of thinking and is it worth it to stay there for 10 years to try and make them understand, keep losing are brothers and sisters in WAR. Those people have been fighting for 100's of years what makes us think we are going to make them stop. 3.I am sure a good amount of people in afgan and iraq wish for freedom and understand that it's hard to achieve that in there country and am glad you guys give little kids and family's a few nights to feel safe but if there own country cant continue to keep them safe should we have to stay there and use all our resources and man power and money to make that happen. I mean these poeple are on a whole other level of HATE and i dont think we are going to change that, I think with all our resources cut so thin we are as vonurable as we ever were and need to come back home and get our own country in line. Maybe i am not the humanatarian that want's to save the world but i can drive thru my neigherbor and go thru the situations that i have been trhu in my life here in the u.s. and know that this place aint close to be ing paradise.. Family first everyone second!!..
  16. Or, It's just as easy to call the guy and end it with one simple phone call.. i guess i am old school.. :?: Plus my fingers are too dam fat for those little keys!!
  17. Are you going to have to go thru the dunes or will my jeep be enough to get around the set up?
  18. I mind if you dust me, that's what the dunes are for but there will always be some people who think the camping area is a free for all, i just dont understand why they come to the dunes and then play at camp kicking up dust. Usually when that happends the liquor has kicked in and someone is feeling good and going to get hurt. I dont mind it if the dunes are open like at dumont but if we are all close together then that playing stuff needs to go out into the open area. I always mark off a little area that is very small that i consider my driveway and if people drive thru that then U...
  19. The Tusk clutch for an ATV from Rockymountian is the best bang for your buck, they last long and have great bite, they are about 80% cheaper then the clutche mentioned above
  20. Over unless you ask them not too...
  21. Those fish are crazy big!!!!!!!! Congrates on the fish and trip..
  22. Do you have to pay if there is no one at the pay station?
  23. LOL at wingnut, so did I and watch the video..!! When does the CHP do videos like that, that's a first time I seen a report like that and kinda wierd they let all the info and close ups out.....
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