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Everything posted by 1BADYFZ

  2. Yea that is powder coat that i found from a company on the internet, it is acandy orange translucent with a dash of silver flakes..came out real nice and diffrent.. The Tank was a company that said they can chrome plastic which they did but was very brittle especially if the gas got on it it melted away. they did a great job and deffinetly turned some heads while it lasted.....
  3. 14 paddle rippers for any type of riding...
  4. That looks like a great time for sure...I know one more freak that was there..DUNEFREAK........ Man the pics make it a great thread....
  5. I know a few chicks that would work on also..Is it UNIVERSAL..JK
  6. COPS George Lopez Beach Police/Havasu edition
  7. I believe people who fly it still have a little racism left in there blood or "pride" if you want to call it that. ...Maybe they are just followers trying to be cool or actual people who are from the deep south who actually thinks the flag still means something. TO me if you are AMERICAN the only flag that should be flying is the STARS & STRIPES..
  8. Nice pics girl's, it's beautifull out there..
  10. Coming from a guy with a bottle of NOS on a 2 wheel stock dune bike.. thos cars are a way nicer set up then the last xplorer, i like..
  11. sounds great bro, glad it all worked out for you on the build and you happy.. We had some raptors and yfZ's at FSA 4-stroke race pulling 76 and 70 mph on the hill at glamis, they are catching up to these 2 strokes quick....I wish i had a bike going up the hill that fast again..
  12. 115,k on the 02 dodge ram 1500 50k on the litttle ford focus
  13. Dunes and desert are totally diffrent areas of course so they will be diffrent in gearing, you can get away with shorter gearing in the dunes but the Desert top end is going to sufffer alot when trying to do both with the same gearing. I say drop a tooth in the front and then throw that old gearing back on when you go to the desert, you will notice a top end diffrence in the dunes when dropping a tooth on the big bowls or flats and you will be reaching for another gear but it will help alot on steep hills and racing..
  14. I was there, it happend at wash 7 and guess where i was camping..WASH 7 ..lol Crazy to see it up close, there were train track pieces all over the place, wheels on the dirt road and half the the carraiges were at a tilt ready to fall over.. I got there just a few minutes later and couldent believe it and glad no one got hurt. They said there was Hazerdous material in some of the trailers so we had to stay back. I believe that the only thing that kept it from spreading out deeper into the wash is the speed and the number if trailers it was towing. Sometime they go real fast but this just had a big amount of trailers which kept the speed to a minimum. I hope no one videotaped me putting those pennies on the tracks......
  15. Going to Glamis for the 4-stroke race, if anyone wants to carpool we are leaving tonight about 8pm, leaving from pomona.. PARTY.....
  16. WOW, talking about making a mountian ouf of a mole hill..LOL this is your neighbor watching you till you need him again (girls) Gald you got it done.......
  17. All that money spent and it doesent last 1 season? Do you think you know the problem or was it a beefed up motor to begin with... I know when i built drag bikes i dident spend anytime on them because they were so sensative and just raced them up the hill, they always had to be freshened up and cost money every trip.. Maybe stay close to stock for now and get your money's worth, atleast me i couldent afford stuff like that hapening. Good luck
  18. I thought this thread was about monkeys, you dogg lovers stopp posting pics of your dogs.. they look nothing like a monkey..
  19. That SUCKS, I guess my little side business has been found out....... J/K
  20. NEw technology.. 2 strokes are OLD..LOL/JK
  21. atleast you could have added a THANKS PETE after the kiss a$$ symbol...
  22. link.. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=7932 nice bike
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