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Everything posted by 1BADYFZ

  1. Nah i like everyone who is cool to me you know, it was graet to meet you also and thanks for lettine me tag along for a few 100 yards..lol the throttle was loose so i tried for minute untill i almost ate sh*t then said hey maybe i should fix this... You guy's ride good and will be alot of fun next time i am out..
  2. Great pics and a fun time, stayed with the family mostly and had alot of fun, bike ran great, went to the meet and greet and met wingnut and said what up to pete and wsky... went on a ride with the big boys and got lost because my damm throttle came off so i just gave up trying to follow and got her fixed, just wanted to let wingnut know so he dont think i ditched him or cant ride fast..lol Great weather and good times , non eof my kids got hurt and neither did i so that is a good thing, it has been almost 7 months and no sand so it felt good getting back on the saddle and rolling around.. the dunes were jacked up and hard to ride, need to get some suspension or some sh*t t make the ride better... here are a few pics of the kids and the fam riding around.. my son trying to ride the 80 son and daughter at the creek, it was hot enough 4 year old girl aint scared of sh*t...good and smart rider.. following papa riding little dude around camp, he is 2 and not as ready as his sis was. She started on her 50 at 2.. girl again.. The fam at the drags, we needed this vacation..
  3. Pete you told me that story at the meet and greet, i hope you guy's are good friends..LOL That sign is classic and is very important when you are learning to drive..P means PARK DUMBASS...LOL
  4. I was on the all flat black YFZ, it was pretty fast for a bolt on, damn clutch kept going out so the YFZ's won a few and lost some.. Great time and great weather... Be there this weekend for the races on saturday..
  5. Cant believe she won with that nose, make-up does wonders........
  6. A tru bolt on would be not opening up the engine at all. In my eyes at least, putting a clutch or a cam mod on a yamaha would be OK.. ANd kowing half you guy's you aint no bolt on's. but if it makes you feel better to beat one then that is up to you. I have an 04 that is as stock as it get's..DAMMM
  7. mann pete you read my mind..... :porn:
  8. Saturday & sunday at comp hill they do it for for the slow guy's for free..JK
  10. I guess that's whay they put those little tires on the chevy to begin with...I think you need a 3" lift and then you are good to go..
  11. Yes or closer in, depends how packed it will be. What about you. Come on thru if you need a camp to chill with bro..
  12. I will be hopefully right of the ranger stations all the way to the right near the bushes, got the kids new bikes and need some room... Hope to see you all there, getting there saturday early till tuesday..
  13. Im done trying to look at the pics, i cant get to the "Midget Muff Pics" DAMMMMM.. Curiousity has got the cat.........
  15. Here is the old set up on the truck at glamis.. Now the pic of the truck as of today....... That be it........
  16. that sh*t is just wrong, would have gave me nightmares like woody has been having ever since that night.. One question ..did you guy's get a discount because she was a midget?....and the one pic with her legs open has me wondering just a bit what it looks like... you guy's are too funny...
  17. I will be there, trailer is getting prepped and the new YFZ will be ready. i have the day's off and will be there from saturday till tuesday..
  18. IF they dont go to sleep then i would put him to sleep, he can pick up his teeth later. I have friends like that and i dont bring them because of that instance... he will learn someday..
  19. see you guys that weekend, i will be there all weekend and i will take some pics of you guy's racing...It's been 7 months since i rode the sand...i cant wait.. Staying till tuesday so i can be one of the fastest..
  20. Those must be some Albino a$$ mexican's because they look white to me, Jose and Hector are at the motel 6 down the strip..lol
  21. Hope everyone is OK, maybe they will lower there prices now.........
  23. Mann those monster trucks are BADARSS!!!!! :kart:
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