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Everything posted by 1BADYFZ

  1. I dont know one LAtino that does that around here or anywhere else...That is Dumb and you white guy's love to stereotype... that sh*t happends down south or back east ...
  2. Hey take it easy on theose other dudes(slow guy's) and have fun, I got 10 on the 450's bikes, all well have a rude awakeing..lol
  3. It's about time you got that thing in the sand...Glad all went well and how about some after the mods shot's when you get a chance. You are totally right on the busy weekends, better have your sh*t straight or you will have to park it when the real fast bikes hit the hill..
  4. Try Autotrader.com, they have alot of stuff i like when i look for trucks, im sure you can find it there..
  5. How far in is that river from the crossing? You know us Mexicans and water....lol mIGHT BE A GOOD PLACE TO TAKE THE KIDS..
  6. IM SORRY..I felt really bad smacking my son for not making it up comp at Dumont..i finally relized that it may not be best at the age of 2..LOL i hate parents like that and will be the first on the field to tell them to STFU......
  7. I think you need to show those guys a few tricks and that you have beeen doing this way before them/LOL
  8. Im sure thet DAMM road put that mercedes to the test, probabley a few loose bolts after riding that washboard..LOL
  9. As long as it's all in fun and we all chill at the bottom of the hill is the only way we should race, none of this negative sh*t after the races are done. I like the fact that we get each other all riled up before race day is good, let's just keep it crap talk on here and the dunes will be a better place..
  10. WOW i can see alot of these guy's have never been to the hill on race day...Aaron & Danny they will soon find out huh what the real truth is... Predator's are fast as sh*t guy's..WATCH OUT......
  12. What Bracket of MULLET would Eddie's hair fall under.... A MEXI-MULLET......... Great pics Pete, it feels good to dress up like that once and a while..
  13. Im looking for the same set up but in the MEGA CAB version, saving up my pennies for this one.. Great looking truck by the way..
  14. the weekend warriors are the one's that are not made of good material. Atleast the superlites, when i was looking at the warrior's compared to the Attitude there was no comparison, the attitude had better materials all around to where the warrior just dident have the quality i think the attitude has.. The weekend warrior is name thing, that's why people love them and want to be like the other 100 people with the same thing..JMO ANd besides the plumbing problem i had it has never had a thing wrong with it..
  15. If anyone is intrested i could check it out for you, im in L.A and dont mind, as long as i get a ride..
  16. 1BADYFZ


    I think you should sell some MAXi-PADS W/ registration so people dont get all wet... ANd Wingnut and Pete trust me he aint got no NAturally aspirated 550 TRX pushing 100HP...I will bet on that sh*t..He may want one but he aint got one.. Anyways you have to get over this stuff, dont let it get under your skin because it will, it has happend to me before and never will again. Back to the subject..MONKEY DANCE b*tches.....
  17. I will post updated pics this weekend, i painted her rims black, got her new tires and it looks real nice, just need to tighten things up and add fluids and she will be ready to roll. I hope i can get her started before halloween.. thankyou for the props guy's, it took a while ..
  18. take the card back, back in the old day's i would have drained that sh*t dry but from my life experiences with Karma i understand why that is not the right thing to do..
  19. it could be but i would have to Fred Flinstone it half way up...
  20. MAnn where do you grown men find this sh*t...
  21. DAMM FLATBILLERS..LOL Richard i need your help...
  22. I am buying Danielle's 80cc Suzuki and wondered if anyone could bring it to the show or to Cali so i can meet and pick up from you guy's. I believe she said she can drop it off to anyone of you willing to help me out. I can meet you on the road or at the show for pick up and even help with some gas money for the favor. I really hope you guys can help me out since his birthday is a few weeks away i wanted to get it running for him.We want to make this the least of a hassle for you or whom ever is droping off .. Please let me know if this is possible and i will surly be thankfull for this and not having to drive 5 hours to pick it up.. Sam.
  23. I live in sylmar but is that Sylmar California...San Fernando Valley.? The pics look great and im glad you had no major issues...
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