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Everything posted by 1BADYFZ

  1. little hard to believe that an 06 diesel with those goodies only has 38k on it, that is a rare find for sure and hope the odomoter hasent been messed with!
  2. Mann I would be pissed, that thing hit hard.. That must have been a terrible feeling for sure..
  3. Research.... I could tell by just looking at the commercial!!! You need to visit the D more often!
  4. All you have to do is loook at the scrren resolution compared to the Iphone and they look cheap, the icons, the internat pages dont have that vibrant color like the Iphone..JMO And the size is ridicolous honestly , I like the skype app and the Wi Fi signal it has but other than that..Nada
  5. Not sure why you started a new thread when there is one right under this one on the same subject. I would ask this question in the thread that is already started. :?:
  6. Might have to add a lube to your fuel to quiet it down, maybe something from lucas since the #2 diesel out here doesent have much lubrication. I am pretty sure you will know the signs of an injector going out, the most obvios ones are the white smoke coming from the tail pipe and/or really crappy gas mileage all of a sudden. The Dmax loves the cooler evenings and runs great at night and will run sluggish and sometime even a bit loud when hot out.. Just my experience in owning one..
  7. Make sure you keep your smog stuff, thyey are smogging diesels in socal now.. All you need is a tuner, you think the pipe made a difference, slap on a PPE and you wll lose your mind how fast they go..!! HAd a 5" pipe straight thru, intake and tuner, that thing ripped on my Dmax..
  8. We did a similar workout at my boxing class, there is a circle that is about 10' high that you have to hit with the heavy ball every rep for 1 minute.. The box jump is a pain and the hardest for me since I weigh 220...Very fun workout and I enjoy working out in the fast pace..
  9. You never know, that idea might make you rich!! I love the look of LED's
  10. Looks good dude!! i am building a Honda a the moment, I like them for sure
  11. Thats a clean set up if you can keep it like that, I like that color combo
  12. That's a well built duner, this is a YFZ drag bike..lol But, you will be at this point very shortly, hold on to your wallet.. BTW, bike looks good..
  13. There is a big difference in being born in Mexico and being Mexican American. It's unfortunate that America has grouped us all together as being the mexican people who sell drugs, jump fences, and work as gardners. I could care less honestly about what people think, I just wish people would open there mind a bit and not there mouth when speaking on the subject!! Ther are many Mexican American families that feel the illegal immigrant problem has gotten way outta control and it takes away from my kids just like everyone elses!
  14. Pete is that temp after you have been driving for a while? Cuz i know when i would barely get in my truck the temp said some sh*t in the 120's before I started the truck and think that was the heat insde the truck, and to think peopleleave kids and dogs in there vehicles.. But none the less it's still hot, crazy as it sounds I like to run the mountians in the 100 heat in california, I always tell myself I am trying to make my body stronger for some reason.. I always drink alot of water and get a breather in the shade as much as possible..
  15. Write down a list of questions that you want to ask him. HAve him explain why he is choosing to use certian procedures and not others.. That is the only way not to leave like they just threw you out, make them explain what they think is wrong to make you feel better about it and get your co pays worth...
  16. Some talk the talk, but you guys walked the walk!!! Thanks for cleaning that up...
  17. Looking for similar info also.. What do 4 seat rhinos need to be safe when towing family around the dunes.. What type of hours are too much and what to look for.. and the other question asked will help also... Thanks
  18. I had Hankook tires on the old truck if your looking for an off road tire that is the cheapest in price and not quality and they were 33's for my 18's.. Or I would look at 4 wheel parts, they have the cheapest prices on the net and ship rather quickly.. Dont think you will find anything cheaper unless you got a hook up..
  19. I have a 05 19' Attitude fully loaded I would sell for $14k, almost new and I pulled it with my 4.7 Dodge ram on a lift and tires for years..
  20. A good plug will last the entire life of the tire, I had a plug on my 35's and it became part of the tire in no time...
  21. 1BADYFZ


    Congrats, hope it works out!!
  22. Check out Dieselplace.com for help if doing them yourself, very expensive job if it has to be repeated or is done incorrectly..
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