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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. I'm pretty sure I've been to an InO in vegas....? one of those burgers would be a sick hauler ornament for dune season though!!
  2. And if you get to the dunes super late and dont feel like unloading your toys, you can just go to sleep in the mohome...
  3. pretty much the nicest, most polite person i know.
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what just happened in my life?!?!?!
  5. haha that effin bike is like a death machine on wheels my sand in the crack was literally a handful though... i was bent over looking at coles spacers on the mog and that english prickoli dumped sand right in my crack..... IT WAS AWESOME!!!! BUT REVENGE IS SWEEEEEET JODI!!!
  6. Cole: "this is the 126th time i've told this story tonight, and in no way is that depressing. you wanna hear me point out everybodies name on my bar?"
  7. who do you call when your child falls into one of the public restroom toilets? how many dumbazzes does it take to make a Faq page?
  8. I knew i hated that douchebag right when i laid eyes on him
  9. chris your the freakin MAN!!! now get me a job at soutars!!!
  10. Um.................................................................................... YES PLEASE!!!! once britincali put that handful of sand down my crack at the nightdrags i got the bug again
  11. i lived within 20mins of hesperia lake my whole life...never once have i been there. is it nice? do some fishin?
  12. SERIOUSLY AWESOME. I truly mean that. and i've only been here for less than a year...
  13. haha no...they'll do 65 on hard dirt or street... plus it was late...and they went out wehre nobody can see.
  14. thanks man...i'll let you know... wait did we just start the DDR MAFIA!!!!!!!!!!?????????? I'm pumped.
  15. haha no I don't think that'll be nessacary...you'd have to put lucerne valley in the lost section!!! I went cruisin around with some of my guys around townn...i think i have a pretty good idea of who did it.
  16. cole "hey pete you gonna take me for a spin in the new ride?" pete "ummm.....if the seat is open...wich it isn't so....no..."
  17. good point..... i'm gonna need some hand cuffs
  18. thanks guys...yeah sometimes i feel like especially in this town you kinda have to make things happen...the cops are uh....a little less than enthusiastic.
  19. So i go into the shop this morning and see that someone has jumped over our fence got into a daihatsu mini mog and drove it right through the FUGGIN GATE!!!!!!!!! crazy bastards...we're on to them though...this is too small a town to be messin with one of the biggest businesses in town. the bummer is they took a truck that we had sold to a customer. waiting to be picked up.
  20. Your pole my have some integrity....but mine is totally ruined. "i need work"
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