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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. now there saying is was only a 5.4 out of diamond bar...still felt it pretty good here though... no damage reported...
  2. I'm not to worried about the lizard...but whatever keeps the dunes open i guess... i hesitate to get to close to the blm..
  3. i gotta be honest...i think you gotta white wall those rhino tires.
  4. glad to see you got the stereo working!!!
  5. i love my wife. and like her most of the time.
  6. wtf dude that sucks.. you shoulda punched him in the gooch.
  8. I can even begin to imagine what the person or people were thinking when they made this deal go through....how did they think in ANY way this would benefit CAs people? fuggin idiots.
  9. Thats nice, but are you sure that trucks big enough to handle that thing?
  10. NICE!!! I've always wanted a brain freeze AND the jitters at the same time!!!!!!! yes
  11. wow....what a bummer... thousands and thousands of customers buying multi thousand dollar haulers...and still....
  12. cant remember if i've done this one before but i like it so....
  13. never sold any to a zoo or theme park. we should get thier number though.
  14. So this set of trucks is leaving for Seattle today and from there going to alaska!!! We upgraded to a 30' goose neck so we don't have to stack one on the other two anymore... It was still a bit of an adventure though. We welded the channel steel to the top and then bolted the ramps to that hoping that we could drive it on there with out going straight over. It was iffy but I think thats the way to go. Just keep your fingers crossed that my old man doesn't try to go through any drive through ATM's!!!!!!
  15. i'm about 30 miles on the other side of the fifteen
  16. its probably the same guy. i think this guy is in......ontario? or orange i cant remember.
  17. " this is all it takes if you know how to use it man."
  18. I know they have done some front brakes....but not for awhile. yeah its actually not carbon fiber....brian found this guy who does some kinda hydro wrap kinda deal...I'm not sure exactly how it works but what your looking at is sheet metal.
  19. Heres a few shots of King Sand Cars secret bunker in the middle of the mojave desert. And only i have the exclusive photos of the newest addition to the KSC family!!! and some other stuff too. check out the new ksc hub caps
  20. I've been hearin good things about treavis pastranas' Thrillbillies... anybody have it? i was talking to some guys about it at a local bike shop and then i saw it again in the new sandsports in their reviews... whats the word??? mail it to me?
  21. nice...well your welcome to stop by the shop anytime you want.. I may or may not be there...theres an old guy with white long white hair and a bad attitude....not me... but if theres an explorer out front i am there.
  22. thats so cool man congratulations!!!!
  23. never seen that before? thats a good ol highschool prank.
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