I love driving....but its alot better when you have someone to switch off with....
we've done a few trips from here to alabama to see my sister...its a good three day drive.
if i still have the yzf450 i will def be down...
I was thinking we could do a run out to the mines too...
that be sick to get everybody out there....plus its the only ride that the mogs will keep up on!!!
Ragdoll you goin or what son?!?!?!?!
did you do spacers on the front too?
the paddles look awesome i wonder how that thing will pull them in the sand....
thos stoppie shots are incredible!!!!
is the paint wearing off your bumber?
Thats awesome man
I'd love to get to the stadium before thewy shut her down....I'm an avid red sox fan and absolutely HATE the yankees with a passion...but that place is legendary.