Cole you freakin ROOKIE!!!!
you not doin it right if you cant touch the ground with your hand as you reach the highest point!!
haha i laughed..."I HOPE SO!"
wow you can understand as i lay dying?
I can't but when i was younger i used to go read and memorize all the lyrics.
just wondering i thought you were in to the scene a little more.
or have you seen the kangaroo kid with his full roll bar on his quad?
he'll jam the front brakes and roll all the way over.
you gonna bring it out for the night drags?
we gonna bring a few trucks out and a few of our buddies too.
if we could get the mog crew together we would...
we could bring two or three
and two other peeps not on the site...
they'll all go up banshee too...
Actually the one thing I like about obama IS his lack of experience...
I wish we could get a republican minded person with 0 political experience. A real person...not a fuggin machine.
Dude i didn't think anybody else was into hardcore on here!
As I Lay Dying started my love for HxC...even though they're metalcore...but we won't get into that...
have you seen them before?
They are brutal.
And Bullet went totally mainstream...but whatever.
what other bands do you listen too?
Yeah I mean, if you're not doing the full blown, diesel truck with the huge toy hauler, all the toys...
Thats when those day trips come in handy...
but most of the time we all act like the american sand duners we are and do it BIG
It would be nice to have someone who truly cared about us...and not about how many millions they're making in the oil business this week.
We need a revolution...
Just whatever happens don't let them take your guns.
I think theres gonna come a time probably sooner than later when people like us with similar morales are gonna have to ban together and protect eachother from the government.
I can't wait...i need some sand in me...literally.
the monstermog will actually go up banshee if anybody has a grandma on a walker who want's to race tell that silly b!+ch to meet us at the hill SON!
I was just talking with someone the other day and we were tryint ot think of one FUHGUN politician who we said " wow that was a good thing he did there."
None of them do anything to help THE PEOPLE
what the Fugg happened to "All for one and One for all"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
just lower gas prices and get the hell out of our wallets you freakin dirty thiefs.
Keep the liberals out of the white house...please.
Well it was my first fathers day as a father and it was off the chain!!
me and the baby got totally siked out on drugs that i dont even know the names of...and then we wen't on "pirates of the carribean" at disney land like infinity times!!!
We kicked it by the pool ate some pizza with my broski and best friend then went to my wifes familys party thing and watched the Celtic- Laker showdown,...
pretty awesome but WAAAAAYYY less noticed then mothers day.
anyway thanks to my baby girl for giving me my first daddy day.
Leno...but I'm excited for conan to take over his spot...he's waay funnier and a better interviewer...and the jimmy falon will take conans spot...thats gonna be funny too.
bloods or crips