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Posts posted by SandSoulja

  1. It would be nice to have someone who truly cared about us...and not about how many millions they're making in the oil business this week.

    We need a revolution...

    Just whatever happens don't let them take your guns.

    I think theres gonna come a time probably sooner than later when people like us with similar morales are gonna have to ban together and protect eachother from the government.

  2. Hmmm, a boy can dream can't he :whoop:

    Unfortunatly politicians will say what they think we want to hear but have no ability to follow thru with most of their thoughts or promises. "What do I have to say to get into office"

    I heard the other day that the rag heads are going to start pumping more. The odds are better that this will happen and bring the price of fuel to a more reasonable level than the odds of McCain or any of our other "fearless" leaders doing a damn thing.

    I still beleive that the future depicted in MAD MAX is in going to happen unless we figure out a way to ween ourselves off foreign oil or we let the scientist go foreward with a synthetic fuel scenario. If the MAD MAX scenario becomes a reality, I'm going to pretend I'm Elmer Fud "Be veery veery quite, I'm hunting bark eaters"


    I was just talking with someone the other day and we were tryint ot think of one FUHGUN politician who we said " wow that was a good thing he did there."

    None of them do anything to help THE PEOPLE

    what the Fugg happened to "All for one and One for all"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    just lower gas prices and get the hell out of our wallets you freakin dirty thiefs.

    Keep the liberals out of the white house...please.

  3. Well it was my first fathers day as a father and it was off the chain!!

    me and the baby got totally siked out on drugs that i dont even know the names of...and then we wen't on "pirates of the carribean" at disney land like infinity times!!!


    We kicked it by the pool ate some pizza with my broski and best friend then went to my wifes familys party thing and watched the Celtic- Laker showdown,...

    pretty awesome but WAAAAAYYY less noticed then mothers day.

    anyway thanks to my baby girl for giving me my first daddy day.







  4. Here's What I have






    I see you've got a couple lugers...

    my dad just got this from my grandpa a few months ago...

    Do you know anything about the Nazi proofs?

    we found small stampings on the gun and sort of found some keys to help explain...


  5. Just chillin'

    gonna hit up the pool fo sho.

    and get the wife and baby and rest of the fam out to the lake a few times.....but F gas sucks man.....

    Graduations and birthdays fill our june...

    hopefully once i finish my class and get my new job started I'll have more time and money and i plan on playing some summer baseball and keeping my lil bro busy on the basketball courts...

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