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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. sooo sick. i've got ideas up the yin yang.
  2. desert rider71 feels everybody is butt hurt about everything... and hes right.
  3. sandchick thinks isbb is a very funny guy and drinks alot of beer. (thats all i got...sanchick if i knew you i'd probably burn you...but i don't...so.......hi)
  4. dunejnky wishes the car in the avatar was his
  5. magic mountain betty or wilma....
  6. dunefreak actually doesn't have a job but instead sits in his basement all day and talks chit on DDR... and has a secret obsession with womens deoderant and ice cubes?
  7. thats cool man... thanks for the irrelevant lecture on website costs though isbb!! (;
  8. It would be cool to see a camera crew go out with out the cops...but instead just document the whole thing cops, families, partiers, jumps.
  9. I was entertained...but i think it was HORRIBLE publicity, parents leaving the kid...Kid haulin a$$ through VR drunk teenagers...that stuff def goes on... but jeez...show maybe the comradery between peeps...and for jeeeezuz sake show some DDR stickers!!! I thought for sure the monster MOG would be in there...i drove in front over th camera at vendors row but...they're haters.
  10. Yeah thats what i figured i just didn't know... don't gotta freak on me.
  11. well the first segment of the show just ended...decent so far. any peeps see their rides????? whos the a-hole with the gun??
  12. hey duniemonkie i neeed too. just curious...wheres the money go from merch?
  13. i heard ints on JUNE 2nd on tru tv...formely know as court tv... check it out. apparently it has dumont...in it!!!
  14. comp. north pole or south pole
  15. okay...a number 2 pencil or mechanical? It would be silly for me to take tecopa... I'll leave that to a vegas peep.
  16. hahaha good call. dunlop if you HAD to or are voting democrat obama or hilary
  17. little of both but moslty duning bottle rocket wars or roman candle wars
  18. tequila i guess... supercross or motorcross
  19. wow you know me too well little buddy... i'm butt hurt. I can't get anything past you...
  20. I ran across a big a$$ tortoise ridin' the other week...but i have no pics...so i'll shut up.
  21. My brother and i we're driving on the 15 in victorville the other day and rolled up on a newer style WW with a big a$$ DDR sticker on the door being pulled by a f-something superduty... we pulled up next to them like dumba$$es and flashed our season pass (due to lack of a DDR sticker) who was it?!?!?!?!?!?!!? are you here?
  22. I read it from the beginning... I thought that the girlfriend thing was separate...but then he replied as if it was his...plus that was a MINOR note in this argument... nobodies hurt...just stating our opinions....
  23. agreed...it is a two way street...i guess i haven't seen it going the other way...at least not quite as brutally. Also agreed...but the're is def a line between having thick skin and joking around with eachother...and straight up insulting someone. In some cases...i think its fun. and i like to see and take part in "friendly" arguments... In THIS case however...I personally felt like someone was being wrongly harassed and stood up for what i thought was right... I will to a certain point...I'd do the same thing for anybody though...i don't even know him...but we all just go by what we know on this forum... agreed once again..summer bs. we all love the dunes in the end...
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