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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. do you think we could all have cute little name tags with our screen names on them? cuz if so then i'm THERE MAN!!!!
  2. I'm a huge baseball guy...so i watch alot of that..which most people dont understand. I like watching sports in general so right now its playoff basketball time go celtics!!! Other than that i like any time the have supercross or mx stuff on....theres a good show on fuel tv. called the great ride open...and a bunch of fmx guys go hit all the cool ride spots... and monster jam.
  3. so we went out to / x today...only there for about an hour...but rode about 80 miles from lucerne to apple valley back to lucerne, out to /x on 247...and then rode around the other side back to apple valley...dropped of my step dad and brother...and then rode back to lucerne valley. im smahed
  4. so we went out to / x today...only there for about an hour...but rode about 80 miles from lucerne to apple valley back to lucerne, out to /x on 247...and then rode around the other side back to apple valley...dropped of my step dad and brother...and then rode back to lucerne valley.
  5. No i dont think so...not with all of us ridin' through there every weekand.
  7. haha seriously...its alreay 95 degrees
  8. A real man just puts a rocket in the back of his car and runs around on jet fuel all day.
  9. someone fill me in? logandale?
  10. haha sweet. try me. Just that you said that pumps me up soo much more... its not the ridin' part for me its the gettin up at 5:00 am!! or earlier. nothin like that brisk summer morning air...i get chills just thinkin about it.
  11. Let me know man...i'm up for some early mornin dumont rides. or some desert ridin'
  12. yeah i know...thats what i do already...it would just be freakin sweet to swap over when ever. i thought if i could score a rim for somebody for a decent price...i might go snatch it up.
  13. okay guys...supposed to of had my bike back today...but tomorrow now "for sure" but it'll be done right and by a guy i trust. so does anybody have a spare rim they wanna get rid of that will fit a 426? I like to have one for my paddle but a new rim is freakin pricey.
  14. I suggested this to anohter guy a few weeks back. but if your looking for something super reliable and pretty fast I love the cadillac newstar motor. my old mans got one is his SU car and it really runs perfect every trip... almost like having a regular car motor in your buggy. you cruise the whole place in third gear, from a put to a high speed bowl.
  15. we should have a paint competition. i'mgona do one later when i get off work... I need photoshop BAD i'd like to have illustator and some video editing stuff too.
  16. Yeah i've bought and sold several things and i had pretty good experiences most of the time...you just have to watch out for jackasses
  17. I wanna get up there soooo bad. two years ago we did a st.anthonys trip (which was awesome by BTW, go there if you can) and we were planning to hit coral for a day on the way home but bad weather turned us home )=
  18. yea dude...friggin sweet vid. nice shot of the monster in the opening pics too!!!
  19. well the trip was freakin awesome despite some wind the whole weekand. I'll post pics later!
  20. were headin out right now.. if any body is going to be out there...shoot over and say hi. we'll have the Orange mog with us and a crap load of king sand cars.. see ya guys have a good weekand!!!
  21. heres my little brother..first weekand on his new bike at a spot near my house.
  22. conservative. 70% You believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals
  23. My wife and I have only been married since august. we've been together for almost 3 years. like yfzdad. she had never been duning or to the river or anything like that before. And she absolutely loves it. we've been raised to VERY different ways, but we both completely understand the other one... Bottom line is...we LOVE, TRUST, RESPECT, and COUNT on echother everyday. and we have a new baby with us now... And this might be the icing on the cake. we both feel equally responsible to show our daughter how to love somebody, and find somebody who will respect her...and to make sure she understands the importance of marriage...and to NEVER marry a guy who can't ride...
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