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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. we havent figured out how to take em to the dunes like this..we usually take just two or another trailer... this is for a delivery to a guy who has a forklift as well.
  2. no we dont drive the trucks at the same time...a little too much coordination for us... what we do is. 1. Drive first truck on. 2. Drive second truck on trailer, then with second set of ramps drive half way on to the the bed of the front truck. 3. Then while the black truck is piggy backed on the first truck, we pick up the rear of the black truck with our forklift. 4. While the rear of the black truck is in the air we back the third truck underneath it. 5. And finall we set the black truck back down on the third trucks bed and tie her down.. and then just reverse it for unloading.
  3. how we get down...or sumthin. :freakin_nuts:
  4. the video looked really good....but i got bored after all the razor backs one after another. was there anything else?
  5. we dont know yet...which i guess means its pretty hard...cuz we dont baby that thing at all!!! i'll turn it hard in deep sand and it wont come off.
  6. thanks..i just figured out how to put videos on so it was kinda a test.
  7. SandSoulja


    awesome man...my first just turned 3 months today..a new born baby is a crazy ride...!!!!!!
  8. this is a tracked truck at means dry lake 2 weeks ago.
  9. i friggin love ferrel movies... i know some people dont like them at all and can't understand or just dont appreciate his humor...wich is understandable... most of it is stupid...but its so stupid its smart.
  10. theres a little opening in the dunes...sorta on the way to comp hill...its full of whoop-de-doos...and rocks...its pretty quiet there. j/k guys dont kill me.
  11. were going the 15-20th with king sand cars....feel free to come hang out!!!!
  12. I know theres a show on fuel called "the great ride open" and a bunch of freestyle mx guys hit up a different ride spot ech week and they always have a big red bull truck and tent out there with them...+ a chopper...but i dont know about the military stuff..
  13. okaythanks guys.. you wouldnt worry about hurting it more? cuz thats exactly what the guy didnt want to do. but...you know mechanics.
  14. well i took it in the other day..and my mechanic told me theres a rod out )= not fun....he doesnt want to just throw a rod back in there, on account of it most likely breaking again...so for a rebuild it will be about 2500 bucks...wich is almost a grand more than i paid for the bike.... so i dont know what to do now....this thread went from PUMPED to BUMMED real quick... any suggestions? i may just sell the bike for what its worth, and just take it in the rear on thisa one.
  15. i know he used to do that for sure...and i'm almost positive he still does it... I'm not just saying this because hes family...but he really does make a great car... he's been very respected in the sprint car scene for years...one of the most intelligent men i've ever met. and along with demos he's always ready to help you get something fixed.
  16. trust me...you dont want to see me in a bathing suit. j/k...but seriously. yeah its gonna be a little toasty.
  17. Hey guys were heading out april 15-20 with king sand cars...their should be close to 20 KS cars there!! Brian king is my step Dad, and i worked for him for a few years.... so me and my dad with Liberty mini Mog try to do trips together... If you wanna see a man who truly puts his blood sweat and tears into his work check out his cars..... www.kingsandcars.com!!!!!!
  18. you've got issues. or qualities...depending on how you look at it.
  19. yeah i'm glad to hear all the good things everybody says about the 426 i just cant wait to get her back up and running.
  20. well this weekand it took a crap. i think it dropped a valve but haven't had it apart yet. bummed. I already mentioned it in another thread, but i do love the bike its awesome. And the guy i bought it from was good to it...but i mean it is 7 years old and he never had it rebuilt...so he sold it just in time... I paid 1700 for it by the way motoxman
  21. yeah that thing is nuts. i saw it last night before i went to bed...my dreams were friggin nuts!!! i love the part where the guy kicks it.
  22. dunefreak, the flowery photographer. awesome pics. i love dumont in the spring time.
  23. I am sure this has been covered somewhere else in the forum, but we are thinking about getting a spot at vendors... can someone give me the details on what i need to do to get a permit and all that. who i need to contact? how long does it take? etc.etc. thanks -brian
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