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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. Hey, it said he was a beginner, not a quitter. I bet he gets better! As long as he keeps sticking the landings.
  2. I think you should quit staring out the window and clean that filthy office. If it is clean then nevermind.
  3. poopd*ck. Never EVER heard that before DDR. Oh and Dunecoon never heard that one before either.
  4. Sure can tell there is a writers strike going on!!!!!
  5. and also check the circuit breaker/fuse panel!!
  6. Wow his Dumont pass was still displayed
  7. Not to argue with you wingnut but wasn't that talent that pulled him out of that sheet? I thought he was toast!!!
  8. Dam missed it too. where's the pics?
  9. Were you over at Devan's? Thought I heard you today Some one did that last friday night at the shop?
  10. were those dog minutes or people minutes?
  11. You are quite welcome I really like the chambered nautilus even more than the frogfish. Am I speaking in code? who know's
  12. ok so it is but she is a real life "freak" from a really really old movie called "freaks" Very disturbing movie especially considering the year it was made I think the 30's. I recently saw it on whatever the old movie channel is?
  13. Well Joe, I am going to stay home in support of you. Hope I don't catch it.
  14. Was this thread about a crappy grocery cart?
  15. According to the DDR info page it is 700 ft at the river crossing and 1200 ft @ top of comp!!!
  16. I was thinkning the same thing thought it lowered for towing announcer made it sound that way. I am pretty sure it is all about staying warm, and keeping the hole in the ice from freezing back up. With the hauler up in the air cold air streams in the hauler up and over the hole, with it sitting on the ice, sorta makes a seal. But I have only seen those crazy icefisherman on tv, it is nice that they have 2 holes tho, so you can fish with a buddy. But damn who wants to ice fish anyway?
  17. skyz you do work in the education field right? Typos are funny. Proof reading priceless. Do Ice fishing holes double as toilet?
  18. Right on Joe You will be duning in your sleeep tonight.
  19. It'll be OK Pete you don't really need a heater you can tough it out. Stupid heater
  20. Wow ........Wow all I have to say is it is sure hard to type when one's eyes are welling up with man tears. Wow Merry Christmas everyone especially Danny's Family!!!
  21. :xmas1: It is not that Kenny's rails are invisible just very very tiny.
  22. I once was passenger in a rail and the speedo said 140 :xmas1:
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