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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. Karma is spelled K-A-R-M-A I am neither supporting or contradicting above post only spell checking.
  2. If there was a stripper pole @ Dumont it should be at the I am not saying that I would even look or go......well maybe just to act as security B)
  3. I can not believe how much I am anticipating seeing this car in action!! It is just an offroad vehicle, why am I so excited???
  4. Rhino King You are one of the STUPIDEST people I know, that is why I like you BRO!!! This is not a personal attack I truly mean it in the nicest possible way!
  5. Can hardly wait to see this bad boy!!!!
  6. Looks like a nice fun monday! Wonder what they were gonna film there?
  7. There is a fee increase this year holy crap? why didn't some one here post something up about that. sorry I had to do it.
  8. I don't think your dog's paws smell like Fritos........ I think Fritos smell like dog paws? Think about it dog paws have been around a lot longer than Fritos!!!
  9. I wouldn't mind riding @ Amargosa always have fun there!!! Maybe we won't have any work scheduled for saturday.
  10. Good authority 1st post and starting rumors :jester: I bet you are WRONG!
  11. Well it is Wed night haven't figured out if I am gonna even leave the house tomorrow, but the choices really are limited to Nellis or maybe 1 of trails/road out on the way to Mt Charleston good thing we have this nice forum to discuss it on
  12. Well the good news is making that money... not a bad thing
  13. Yea I hate it when I suddenly break something, but when you are riding behind me I LOVE to suddenly hit the BRAKES
  14. I have, and I think it is time to stay in the lines, I don't believe you when you say it is abstract art.
  15. Geez I only buy 20 30 bucks worth when I go. How much wood is 1/2 a cord. So does that pretty much fill up the bed of one's truck?
  16. You hit that one right Pete, I am certain that is what Eli was refering to.Hearing aids Along those same lines. The post that had the free ringtones site on it.......I was checking some of those out with my daughter and one of them was titled "ringtone parents can't hear" I clicked on it and heard NOTHING, but both of my daughters yelled at me to turn it off :ahh: like it was torture to them. So was it just that I am or too much not protecting my ears? probably both
  17. I really liked the crying Indian, Iron Eyes Cody
  18. Quiet Thanksgiving at home with just the immediate family for me and I am going to work Fri and Sat only day I am taking off is Thursday so no Dune trip for me. Any one thinking about riding near town (Vegas) on Turkey day or maybe Sunday? It would be nice to ride if only a few hrs.
  19. It is prices like those mentioned above that will keep some of the rif raf out of the dunes this weekend. Like me
  20. Ooops sorry Cole, I didn't read correctly. I prob would have turned my stereo down to begin with, and removed my keys and lock the doors. I listen to Howard during the day and even when people are near me while I am working I try to avoid anyone "being offended" by what I am listening to. But I generally try to avoid conflict, the last thing I need is to send someone off to the emergency room again .
  21. OK i remember now the soft wood burn faster but the hard wood burns longer. So the hard wood costs more.
  22. Ok here is my take on it.WTF ARE YOU DOING JUMPING OUT OF YOUR TRUCK TO FUEL UP AN LEAVE IT RUNNING???? That is where this story took a turn for me. Do you really leave your truck running at the fuel pump? Is that something that diesels do and gas powered vehicles don't do I swear right on the pumps where the DIRECTIONS are number one thing TURN OFF ENGINE. (I have never seen one that said "turn off engine except for diesel) So had you turned off the engine like most people do there would have been no story to tell.
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