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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. I had a great time out there, time kinda flew by. Nice meeting some new DDR members, and hanging out with the old ones. I couldn't believe it when sand snake said ken do you know what time it is....it's 4 am............ damn still made it back to vegas by and in bed by 6:30. Next time we do this I will bring out the GREAT BALLS OF FIRE to mark that witches eye!!!!! they seemed to work great last time I brought them out!!!
  2. He who eats jelly beans farts in technicolor
  3. Why is there a big bone attached to her belly button??? Congrats Ashley and Bert!!!!!!!! Good thing she looks like mom!!!
  4. Kens Colors


    Geez guess none of you grew up on a farm Some places they refer to them as "rocky mountain oysters" yep they eat those things!!!
  5. did you say triangles???? I think the triangles are VERY NICE
  6. ok wingnut you asked for it you are a........ .....................whatever you want!!!
  7. And you never strap your quad down, only locking the parking brake? :dunce:
  8. Who in the hell would buy such a thing to begin with ..................and then give it to someone like cole.....................Craziness I say Craziness :icon_twisted: :ahhhhh:
  9. So berts new baby girl won't be going on the 11th
  10. Cole was that jules sister in the one pic?
  11. I thought you said a short story!!!! :shoot_head: I am glad I have gotten to meet you and your whole fam damily!!!!
  12. Cave in, give them every thing they want. That way everybody except you and your wife can be happy!!!! Families are great!!!!!! :shoot_head: Or you could just RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Thanks Cole made me laugh........again!!!
  14. Damn Pete I am still laughing
  15. ifn they were animal children might be a different story.
  16. I drove down this weekend at about 40, the fastest I have ever hauled my camper down that road, it helped some. I grew up out in the sticks and washboard roads were just a fact of life. On a positive note it did seem less dusty!!!!
  17. Everything on the internet is true. That's all I have to say about that.
  18. What time you leaving town Mark? Maybe have our selves a convoy?
  19. I have never went that way before Mark. Maybe I should try it.
  20. My big jerk off of a boss told me I really need to go to the dunes this weekend, so I was really thinking about going. Will there be anyone out there? I think I can make it, I think I can I think I can.....so hopefully see a bunch of you out there saturday!!!!!! no pot luck at my camper either
  21. Some friends of mine are looking for a good home daycare for their 3 1/2 yr old son. They are looking/hoping to find a place near the automall. They are in the car business. Looking for 6 days a week. Anybody know of any let me know so I can pass the info on!
  22. Way cool Lisa!!!!!!!! Can I be your friend???
  23. I used a Pep boys 3500 watt generator for 2 years. I was happy with it. The only time it wouldn't run the A/C was when it was 114 @ Dumont. Kinda loud not real bad, but I just replaced it with the Honda quiet generator. But it did serve its purpose for me for a couple of years, no problems, almost always started with the 1st pull of the rope.
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