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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. We worked in/at the shop til 1 am again trying to get things done there last night. Everything is coming along nicely. Wow Nick you really listen well. Yes we are going with the more top of the line set up for the bedliners. We looked at cheap and ruled that system out right away, good thing too. I have run into 2 different people who had bought the less expensive cold spray system, and were out of business in less than a year!! Please everyone stop in next saturday April 7.
  2. Kens Colors


    Hey BaBeert that crying guy kinda reminds me of you just kidding
  3. I hope to still make it out there this weekend , but I have been just slaving away for my a hole boss at the new place I don't know if I can make it out to the dunes but maybe I could stay in town and just go out with the girls
  4. Yes Lisa I still have the "stealth grey metallic" as far as the rhino that was custom mixed never to be matched again. Just kidding I have that color too. Now if you were to bring both the truck and the rhino down for the party I know the boss and I could get you a really good deal
  5. Hey Rick, not for nothin why would you quit your new venture? there seems to be a market.....kinda niche market and it seems that sand people are within that niche. As far as my new company it's kinda funny when one operates on limited or skewed information. And then from only one perspective. But so you know I have been in business in Las Vegas for 17 yrs doing the same thing. the "NEW SHOP" is simply an expansion of what I have been working on for 17 yrs. Craig has been installing clear paint protection for several years. As for ItsStock and myself getting Petes Rail hooked up, heres some more info you may not have had. A large part of my business comes from the place Pete works, in other words We work in the same place. Craig and I took it upon ourselves to make sure we took care of our FRIEND who was heading to Dumont in less than 24 hrs and none of us wanted to see his new rail scratched up. So we did what has always worked for me we just got it done period end of story. Oh and by the way after several PMs from you and a few from your Customer and having an appointment set............................ Never saw him so I never got a chance to take care of him. But I did try. You are not asking for advice but I will offer this one up Quitters never win Winners never quit
  6. Way to go April!!!!!!!! Which one is you? The blonde or the brunette?
  7. I would like to let DDR know that my riding buddy Jerry and I are having a Grand Opening and Show off your Toys Celebration Party. At our new Shop location on April 7th starting at or around 2pm til? At this point in time We are thinking off bringing a couple of grills down there and doing hot dogs and having a keg off beer but I am hoping that DDR will make it even more of a party. Our new Shop is called Metro Aftermarket. We will be doing Window Tinting, Auto, Truck and Buggy Paint touch up. Clearshield (or clearbra) Paintprotection and Spray in Bedliners. We are going to Open up for business on Monday Aril 2nd We have been very busy doing our best to get this place ready to go we won't have eveything up and running that 1st week but we may be close. So .........Inviting all members of DDR to come out maybe bring one of your toys. Join us in a cookout and party to celebrate our new business venture on Saturday April 7th @ 3013 N Rancho Rd suites 133 + 134 Bring whatever you like to the party.
  8. MY bad Nick!!!! I found an even better place to get my parts and "stuff" it is called Thumper Talk it is located at 3013 N Rancho Rd. :dance:
  9. I just drove by Kawasaki on Rancho and the windows were all painted up with "Las Vegas's newest Polaris dealership". Good news for me Only 2 miles to the nearest store for oil filters etc.
  10. I couldn't figure out how to copy and paste the pic of the SPIDER, but I am absolutely postive that spiders have 8 legs!!! also I am pretty sure that spiders don't have a face like that It looks like some sort of weevil.
  11. We were in a couple of spots right next to the course. One along a power line road and one spot where the had to make a hard left hand turn and make a small jump. We never saw any rangers. But I did end up on the race course with my camper the night before the race. :argue:
  12. Now I have the theme to Sanford and Son playing in my mind. Welcome back Dan!! Make it stop make it stop!!!! But iit would be easy to put Dan's odyssey to words with the beverly hillbillies theme . Let me tell you a story about a man named Dan. ....................
  13. I drive my 700 all over Dumont but I need paddles to get up and down Comp my Buddy rides an 800 and doesn't need paddles to do it. Yep the "fun" factor is there and I get to ride anywhere. Yea for farm equipment.
  14. I don't know sounds legit to me? I say go for it. not
  15. Woody I swear I once heard you say you would never join an organization that would have you as a member!! Congrats and thanks Woody!!
  16. I think they look cool as hell, but I don't know about anything else. :mc_smiley:
  17. 4. Seeing Ken parked on his quad under an easy-up hogging the shade cracked me up! (We scored one of those nice helmets too ) Hey now!!!!!!! I brought the shade, and I was SHARING IT!!
  18. OK so what is the deal are these Funco cars better than your old cars (both you and tim), or are they just different.
  19. Nice work Sky!!! How many hours you have in that?
  20. You are just L u c k y I gave it back !!! In one piece.
  21. 1. Let's see well I observed NICK yes he made it, I didn't know we could have bet on him. 2. My quad can seat at least 6 3. Wingnut giggles on my quad (can't believe he had fun on FARM EQUIPMENT) 4. My Farm Equipment sure came in Handy for the clean up and and other Farm duties this weekend. 5. For some reason my nighttime navigation was off I couldn't find Dave and Jackies camp 2 nights in a row :bash: :smoker: 6. I was very lucky!!! I won a nice helmet (thanks Ride Now on east Craig RD), and a really nice Snap On cordless screwdriver (thanks Mike from Snap On). 7. I think Clean up wore alot of people out! Very quiet Sat night. 8. I like Kites
  22. Maverick you can be my wingman anyday!!!
  23. Here let me say this Richard Cheese. Shut the eff up. Take your frustrations out on the right people. You sometimes ramble on like this is a blog instead of a forum,I usually enjoy your posts, mostly when you are being funny. But to watch you go off on Pete simply because he suggested to get MORE FACTS before you send off you letters, so your efforts wouldn't be deemed as non factual, non sensical, non viable, etc. You have seemed like a fairly decent guy that likes to talk ALOT and thats fine I am one of them. But now I am starting to think that you just like to talk sh*t and be as a$$. there I said it and I stand by it. If I am wrong I will give you a heartfelt apology. Oh and by the way. Pete did not say "get off your high chair" simply a quote from another post!!!
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