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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. I will be looking for that rig!!!!! It will be like Mad Max bunch of us riding with you scare the hell out of everyone!
  2. Well I am not quite sure how to ask you this on a public forum but you didn't specify what you were looking for.................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... were you looking for some :mc_smiley:
  3. No no no no no............ I disagree you should go for the least amount of power you can get slow is fun :freakin_nuts:
  4. :ban-cha: wow you can't say smartass in here but you can say dumbass. I guess you can say both?
  5. I wouldn't say that you usually always have smartass stuff to say.........alot of timesit's more like dumbass
  6. See you cleanup weekend woody!!!!
  7. I think I will check out the white trash side of town this week!
  8. that's right............be afraid be very very afraid.....it is time for me to settle some scores
  9. Nick..................NEVER go back to that place in Feb it is freakin cold
  10. I woke up early checked out DDR and went outside to get the sunday paper and look what greeted me. When I was much younger and sailed the seas, I learned that "red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in morning sailors take warning" All I know is, what a beautiful sunrise today!!!!
  11. Wow that is way cool I want to make that a destination next time I am out there.
  12. Really I think it is time for me to change my name on here to pompous a$$.
  13. Rhino king ........................Nice
  14. Wow Jen, thanks for letting us know that you have a vagina. That right there in and of itself makes me like you better, now I know. I was sure when I gave you a ride back to your camp that you were a dude. But a dude with a somewhat pretty face. But don't think that now that I know you are girl that I am gonna be any nicer to you. now let's ride
  15. PETE YOU SIR ARE A POMPOUS a$$!!!!!!!!
  16. Love the way you said SOME of you guys and gals Good luck Dan!
  17. What about those people who use soft shot automatic BB guns to shoot people who ride into camp?
  18. Yep I am sure that you are at the top of Pete's pissed off list
  19. I still want to be known as a POMPOUS a$$!!!! Congrats TRAV nice work.
  20. :gayboy: are subject to change without notice
  21. Someday I hope to be known as a pompous a$$ withdollar signs!!
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