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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. Thanks Cheese!!!!!!!!!! I don't care who you are that is funny
  2. That is almost in my neighborhood!!! Hmm but the 29th? I think I might be in Utah!!
  3. Why didn't you title this thread Look at MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! um uh I guess congratulations!!!! Atta boy Craig!!!
  4. Congrats Tim, hope you didn't skin those knuckles up too bad!!!
  5. I don't under stand the title of the post? Who is the scum bag land grabber that doesn't want their play ground closed? If James is the land owner then that would make him the landgrabber right? ergo the scumbag? Why would he be mad it's His playground and he closed it? But hey I don't understand a lot of things. Maybe it is just me?
  6. I did NOT click on the link, my question to you is. If you think it is so disrespectful why did you then post up the same photos and or article on this site. You might be a hypocrit? Just does not make sense to me
  7. Save your money you don't need no stinkin insurance!!
  8. We had a great weekend up in the cool mountain air. I just finally had a chance to download pics of the trip. We found one trail that had us at 7500 ft same height as wheeler pass but east of the "village". It was nice to find some new trails that I hadn't ridden yet and still have some new ones to continue on. we were so far back up in there that we turned back and figured we would take that trail next time with a full tank of gas. The "wild mustangs" don't seem to be wild or mustangs at all, they sure are friendly and will come steal your water while you are drinking it!! Here are a few photos of the weekend.
  9. Is that paint or Bus Wrap?
  10. I have never camped up there before but it does seem to have many spots just depends on how far back one wants to haul the camper back in there. I think we are gonna camp near the ponds tho.
  11. We are not going to work this Saturday at the shop and its Kasey's 13th birthday. So we are going to make a 2 day camp and ride trip. Kinda nice, my wife and kid asked me if we could go this weekend!! So close to home and cool is what I am going for this weekend. Anybody want to join us, let me know. We plan to get up there before dark Friday night.
  12. What is a fringe toed lizard? Is it a lizard or a toad where can I buy one?
  13. My daughter KC was on a ride at Disney Land when it hit. Of course she did't feel it but the had to shut rides down for inspection. She said they were going back tonight tho!!
  14. My bet they were Pacu's not pirahna!!!!!! 2 lbs is a very huge pirahana 2lbs an avg size pacu!!! and they look almost identical. But I did have a fight with this huge octopus out there once. no pictures damn.
  15. I was an AT&T customer for 15 yrs................. No signal or almost impossible to get signal when out at Dumont and Logandale made me switch to Verizon 2 yrs ago. I don't know if at&t is better now. I do get better reception from the middle of nowhere with Verizon. But that was just cell phone?
  16. Damn Cole. I still want my beer man. I am tired of your "LAME" excuses!!!!
  17. HMMM............IS IT HOT? I hadn't noticed
  18. You dont look a day over 35!!! Happy birthday!!!
  19. where would this ride be leaving from and what is the route and what time?
  20. I think you should spend that 20 bucks on a dictionary!!!
  21. Wraps CAN be removed! It is work but it can be done, without ruining the paint. We have a tool specifically made for removing vinyl. Wraps are clear vinyl printed with an image.
  22. Hey the steering wheel is on the wrong side!!
  23. way cool! I hope to see it soon. Now the real question is are you gonna stay with the original look or end up wrapping it?
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