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Everything posted by desertrider71

  1. The AC/DC channel is only a short lived mechansism. It was never concieved as a full time channel. Give it some time peeps!
  2. This topic is gettin too serious. Enough about the Sand Sport Super Show. Let's talk about....... The gun show ! !
  3. Won't be there Halloween but the truck looks awesome!
  4. All hail the camp queen ! Hope to see all of you folks out at the D!
  5. I wasn't knocking you Pete. You bring up a good point on picking it up as certified. I logged in on your info but seen that you get charged for shipping. It's only 5 bucks but I was just saying you have to pay shipping. Hell, since you put it the way you did for certified pickup(for most of us) it is better to order online. Going back to your link and ordering (no joke !) I guess that's why you have the corporate jet ! :black: Please fly with us in mind ! :fro_smokin:
  6. :black: Good man ISBB ! Any new info ?
  7. Just an FYI. If you use this link you will pay shipping. I am going to try the BLM phone number tomorrow to see if the other posts about free shipping pan out.
  8. Hey Cheese, I agree on the impersonation of Danzig as most know him. I was into the early Misfits and Samhain and those chitty recordings sound like that fake collaboration I posted. The lyrics he sings with Shakira are also funny. On a final note, the impersonation is closer to Danzig than your Pismo roost is to a real roost :black: I kid, I kid my ! See ya opening weekend with your sticker fo sho' !
  9. Owned ! http://www.stupidvideos.com/video/just_pla...ent_Bag_Prank_/
  10. My thoughts are with you and your family. Hopefully the best outcome is achieved at the end of this. Post up if you need anything as I am sure myself and the other members of this board will help in any way possible. John
  11. Danzig and Shakira duet. :freakin_nuts: http://www.stupidvideos.com/video/just_pla...ig_and_Shakira/
  12. Of course there are "interesting pics" on that card! It's been forever since Freak found the camera. With fuel prices the way they are he is holding this camera for ransom to pay for fuel in the DDR corporate jet ! DUH!
  13. More truthful words could not have been spoken Cole. As a member of the Armed Forces you are told where to go and what to do, even if you don't like it. My heart goes out to all those who have served in this war. Bravo Cole !
  14. Hi Woody. As stated I have been in the middle of one of these conflicts and I can say that from a humanitarian standpoint it did feel good to see change. I was saddened upon my realization that the newfound freedoms they were enjoying were only had by armed troops in every facet of their lives. I knew when we left it would be no better than when we came.When we pull out of Iraq it will be even worse than when Saddam was in power. There is no true goverment in place. They are attacking their so called governmental officials at almost the same frequency as they are attacking us. They are singleminded people guided by a religion that divides them and drives them to kill in the name of their God. We have Iran, North Korea, hell even Russia is stepping up. Who do we attack next ? I just feel it is wrong to try to give them a life based on our idea of the proper way to live. They live with hate in their hearts and I don't think they will ever have a "live and let live" mentality. I too would be proud to give my life to protect my country an the freedoms we have. With the world the way it is I just feel there are too many places we could be that we shouldn't be. This country has it's own problems that need to be attended to.We have become the nosey neighbor that nobody likes and in my opinion the cost of the disdain we are experiencing from the global community has too high a price. Semper Fi !
  15. Politics aside the oath we take is "to defend the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic". Iraq did not pose a threat to us and isn't the country with the most severe human rights violations. We cannot be World Police and it is shame our proud Service Men and Women are dying for nothing. Afghanistan is a legitimate use of our forces as the Taliban supported Al Queda. Freedom and Democracy will never work in a Muslim country as they are the most intolerant of all religions. I was in Somalia and can tell you that they have been fighting forever (Muslims) and will continue to do so. They are the same religion but fight over who is actually practicing it the right way. WTF ? The true shame of that video is that a young man is missing a leg and when all is said and done it will have been for naught. Just my Semper Fi !
  16. http://www.grindtv.com/video/skate/Skateboard_Gets_Revenge/ :bert: :black:
  17. I was thinking budget restraints. What I spoke of is the limit as the "purported owner" of this truck has to keep a few bucks in pocket to hit the swap meet on Saturday !
  18. G H E T T O ! All thats missing is the brahma bull stickers on the doors and "Jalisco" in the rear window ! Friggin 'OLE ! :dumbass:
  19. plus 1000 Great post. I feel it will come down to the people one day as politicians don't care about us. Unfortuneately we will have to resort to some type of violence to make our voices heard as American citizens ! Its a sorry state of our country when we have to fight for it back !
  20. Welcome back PeterWarrior ! By the way, the paddles I bought from you fit and worked flawlessly. Thanks Bro !
  21. I edited my first post. I misread the other one. Again, my sincere apologies to all.
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