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Free Agent

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Everything posted by Free Agent

  1. Anyone delt with them. They've made us a good deal on a new RV we like. Thanks for any tips and tales.
  2. Suddenly the wife has the weekend off. Probably a Vette run up the coast.
  3. Five years and he's really good. He just has the little Fender practice amp. Music talent runs in his moms side of the family. Should I try and grind the price of the amp at Guitar Center?
  4. One of the kids is a guitar phenom. Time to move him to a real amp. The Mesa Boogie like a winner. They have 2 mods the Mark 5 and the Electrodyne. Any takes?
  5. Took the Sand Stars off the wifes KFX 700 and put on monster 24x 11x 10 Extremes on it. The Sand Stars 22's made the quad react like a rototiller. The 24 Extremes offer way more flotation thus we're getting her less un-stuck. She's jones'in to try them out. The back yard is starting to look like a tire store, Going to start giving some of this stuff away this season. Need to get to the dunes and get a good week long hang-out, campfire, cruise the sand,,, nites at comp,,,, yeah,, we're ready.
  6. All dialed in and ready to ride. Wadaya think,,, 7 or 8 more weeks?
  7. Staying home. Brought the trailer home from the river to prep it to trade in on a new unit. Doghouses's Dumont Annual passes just arrived. The welder is out and we be fixin stuff over labor day for the up coming season.
  8. We love vacation pix Bro. Post away. Excellent!!!
  9. Vick will play tonight. Any takes?
  10. I use the K&N and have had great results with our Rzr and our Rzr S. Grease (with the included grease) the flange and use a radiator clamp so it fits real snug. Clean it after every trip. The paper filter is just asking for trouble in the sand.
  11. Shipped and credited. Thanks Phil.
  12. He had to be one of the most un-popular Senators yet managed to get re-elected every term. I'd wager one of the Kennedy clan will run for, or be appointed to the seat. Carolines a real loony tune, the rest of the family not much better. Bobby jr may take a shot at it. If they don't get in now, we may see the Camelot Clan fade away.
  13. My ex wife was Sec to the Chairman of the board of AMGEN bio tech. They were developing cancer fighting drugs that were still in the testing stage with the FDA. Her boss and all the brass at her company were on a off-shore fishing trip one week. Ted Kennedys office was trying to locate someone at AMGEN with juice that could get one of his constituents on the drug test program as a humanitarian exemption. His staff called the house and he got on the phone asking me to help locate the wife to thus locate her boss. This right as cellphones were not quite in everyone's hands. The constituent got on the list and it helped their treatment. --- --- --- --- --- 2012 Corvette:
  14. I just changed the plugs in our 8.1 at 101.000 miles. Wow what a difference. Peppier and much smoother running. Perhaps should have changed them at 75K. I mention that if you're thinking about it seems like a good idea. Out Toyota requires them changed every 30K, the GMC book says 100K.
  15. Wow!!!! DDR is sooo full of great people with their hearts in the right place.
  16. Everything, all rolling stock is serviced and ready to roll to the dunes. Tire and rim conditions are the BFD this year. Trading in the RV for a new one. Need more room. So getting the new one dialed in and duneworthy will be the big project over the next 10 weeks. Our 9 year old is insisting on moving up to a Raptor 250 so the first and second trip will be a "learn-to-shift" little dunes trip.
  17. Get better fast. You should be good to go soon.
  18. Ran outta gas. I don't even want to run outta gas in the car.
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