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CTD Power

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Everything posted by CTD Power

  1. Ya i should have stayed in the truck, i got there at 5pm on sat,so i didnt get to see much of any good/bad weather. I was riding everywhere last night and today in the rain on my black z400! Better luck next trip!
  2. Yep i went and it was the worst weekend i have ever seen there, windyierthan &%% and sunday sucked (today) we left at 1pm got one ride in, stayed by bathroom 5,stayed in a tent and will never tent again!
  3. This will be my 1st weekend out this year and was wondering will the weather be ok? I dont go there much and dont know the weather patterns thier at Dumont! Thanks
  4. i have never camped anywhere but by bathroom 3. The group i go with goes out every two weeks. Same spot!
  5. I seen you out in your truck going up comp, pretty crazy,seen all your black smoke too! :-) I was close to you there at bathroom 3
  6. You guys were all close to our camp, that blue 2 seater drag car was from our camp,didnt get to ride in it but it was loud leaving! Good times!
  7. I take my black ltz 400 up those hills,not fast but it makes it up lol
  8. I will be there this fri-mon
  9. Well just to be safe i put in a 165dj and took out my 160dj and in my older 400 i put in a 170 and so far everything is working perfect, a 160 in this one was running like crap. My new one ran pretty good with a 160 but i thought i would be safeer putting in the 165. Man what a mess all this stuff is,now i can change jets without unhooking anything and in 5 mins lol
  10. What do i do to get it to run richer? The reason why i worry is b/c my 05 400 has the same exact set up and the yoshi has been on for years and it has hardly any color to it at all,it looks new still,now on my 07 its been on for 2-3 days and looks very bad.
  11. Well i have had this pipe for two years and it looks new still but on my other 400 (the one im talking about) i took it out one weekend and it looks really dark,brown,dark blue, almost black looking. Its 3 1/2 turns now. Do i need to change the main jet to richen it or just turn that screw out where i drilled the brass thingy out off? thanks
  12. I have a ltz 400 quad with a full yoshi ex, k&n with no lid,dj kit with a 160 needle on 3rd clip and turned out to 3 1/2 turns out and my header pipe is really really discolored (not the normal slight discoloring) what makes this happen is it to lean or two rich? Do i need to change my main jet or is it just a tuning problem. i run at dumont only which is 1200 to 2200 feet i heard. Thanks
  13. What are you people running out at dumont with your 400's? I put a full yoshi exhaust with k&n filter with no lid stage two,and was wondering what main jet you used?
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