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Everything posted by DarbyCrash
Candlebox is going on tour. The big news X Games end of July beginning of August :freakin_nuts:
Congrats to the little one. Now that she's in elementary school you 2 will have a lot more daddy/daughter time. With homework that is :freakin_nuts: My oldest just graduated 6th grade on Wednesday. All the stuff I learned in school that I thought I'd never have a use for, guess what, You have to remember it so your kids can keep your kids from thinking they are smarter than you. I haven't done long division in 20 years and I hated it then. Thank god I found out how to do it again on the computer. Enjoy the ride man. and congrats again to the little one.
Last night on the news they had some guy who apperently is in charge of ensuring that the city of LA has fuel to put in their 9000 vehicles (fire trucks, police cars and such). They get their fuel at wholesale pricing because of a deal they have with the oil companies. They pay a whopping $3.20 a gallon for diesel. Now I understand that we need to keep the emergency vehicles rolling and such but that is one heck of a nice profit margin on the billions of vehicles the public is putting fuel in on a daily basis. Granted 70% of the 2+ dollar difference is in taxes. But damn. I wonder how many city employees are using the pumps on city property with city gas to fill their personal vehicles?
Here is the answer to solve my issues with all the freakin' crap. www.privateislandsonline.com Ahh, if I only had the $$$$ My island would have simple rules and laws. Don't leave trash on my island. No Whinners. Do what you want as long as it doesn't affect me or piss me off. Anybody who tries to tell me how to run my island would be shot or be forced to swim the hell off my island never to return. A boy can dream can't he????
If only someone would step up and run this country like Teddy did That boy took no sh*t and didn't put up with all the kissin' a$$ like the freakin' panzies we have as our leaders today. We need somebody strong and fearless. We are the United States Of America. We have the ability to kick a$$ and take names anytime we want. We need somebody who doesn't give a crap about what the rest of the world thinks. Hell as long as we keep feeding them and supporting the right countries we will come out on top. Wouldn't it be interesting if we had another civil war. Except this time it would be the "drill for oil here, no same sex marriage, life is meant to have fun, you'll get my gun when you pry my cold dead fingers off the trigger, the USA kicks a$$ people" versus "the bark eating, save the whales, enviromentalist, same sex marriage is good, tuck tail and run, no war for oil, I give a crap what other countries think, wine drinking, non smoking, control my neighbor panzies" Not that drinking wine and not smoking is a bad thing but you get my drift. Real men drink beer and the Marlboro Man is an American icon that depicts the "I don't give a crap so piss off" attitude that America used to have.
Uhhh, some of the radicals in Montana are always looking for new groupies But they don't have any dunes there that I know of. Probably why they're not quit right in the head Bottom line, depending on your philosophy, our votes don't count for much (the gay marriage getting stepped on. I could have sworn I voted on that a year or so ago) and if somebodies feelings get hurt because the vote didn't go their way, they demand a recount and a waste of tax payer dollars (FLORIDA) I've fought many pointless and unwinable battles in my life and age, marriage, kids and the Marine Corp has taught me "go with the flow" Eventually the American public will put their foot down (we did after 9/11 for at least a few months) and someday, someway, it all comes out in the end. If the American public could just find something to occupy their time, they would forget about trying to micromanage everybody else and forget about all the pointless "control my neighbor" issues. "Just whatever happens don't let them take your guns" They already got mine (damn X-Wife)
Hmmm, a boy can dream can't he Unfortunatly politicians will say what they think we want to hear but have no ability to follow thru with most of their thoughts or promises. "What do I have to say to get into office" I heard the other day that the rag heads are going to start pumping more. The odds are better that this will happen and bring the price of fuel to a more reasonable level than the odds of McCain or any of our other "fearless" leaders doing a damn thing. I still beleive that the future depicted in MAD MAX is in going to happen unless we figure out a way to ween ourselves off foreign oil or we let the scientist go foreward with a synthetic fuel scenario. If the MAD MAX scenario becomes a reality, I'm going to pretend I'm Elmer Fud "Be veery veery quite, I'm hunting bark eaters"
Looks great Cole. Dig the stacks but I don't see the indicative Brahma Bull sticker or door decal jk
Dread Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin fad band. Zeppelin music with a reggae beat and an Elvis impersonator as the lead singer) Van Halen with David or Van Halen with Sammy?
Hey Cole, if you don't mind me asking, how much are they dinging you ($$$) for that? I work with House of Stickers and we are doing body wraps, boat wraps, custom stickers and whatever else you can think of. I'm just wondering if our prices are similar.
Rainy day in dumont Canadians or the French (which are more useless)
That is another reason I'm glad I got my kids into BMX racing. It has really made a difference in their riding abilities in the desert. Their confidence is 10 fold. They will follow me anywhere their quads (or me) will let them go. They are also paying more attention to what is around them which makes me feel much more comfortable. It's a fantastic training ground. The biggest bonus of the BMX thing is now I have something else to hold over their heads to encourage them to be good. Grades, attitude, fighting, back talking are almost things of the past. If you want to race, don't piss me off Last but not least, the kids that race BMX tend to be a little more focused and not let the peer pressure of drugs, drinking and sex get in their way from what I've seen. Yeah, their are a few bad apples but for the most part when your spending 2-3 times a week or more with your parents at the track, it doesn't leave you a whole lot of time to get in trouble.
Here are a couple of links for some nice bikes that all the old, fat, bald guys are using. Some are upwards of 300LBS so I'm sure it will hold you up. http://www.intensebmx.com/, http://www.redlinebicycles.com/ These are the 2 most popular brands I've seen us old guys riding.
Blonde Bomb Shell Black Bush or Fire Bush
I asked a few people tonight about the Partida family and apperently you receive numerous condolances. 2-3 times a day, are you a member? I try not to judge people I don't know but I did receive a bunch of "oh god" comments. I guess they've drawn a little bit of attention to themselves. It's not often you can mention someones name and have people say "oh crap" and roll their eyes as they look around and make sure no one is there spying.
I know that I'm not the only one who kills time looking for stupid things to do when I don't feel like doing anything else So I figured I'd start a thread for those of you looking for a way to kill time. Try and find the stupidest games around that people can play on the internet and post them. Here is the first one I found. http://mistupid.com/games/theidiottest.htm
Saturday Friday night TV or Saturday night TV
Awww c'mon. There are quite a few "drinkin and smokin and morbidily obese body" people out there. They are the most fun to watch. You would just have to race cruiser class. Personally I tried it once about 1.5 years ago. Just for practice and to get my kids to shut up. I went around one time no problem and decided that the second time around I'd try and hit the jumps like I did when I was a kid. Uhhh, didn't work out so well. I cleared a table top and nosed into the next jump right in front of my 8 year old (trying to show him the old man still had it) Broke my left pinky finger and the pedal spun around and popped me in the knee cap and cracked it wide open. Needless to say, I limped off the track. Set my finger myself and that's when my daughter noticed that my shoe was filled with blood from the knee cap (didn't even notice it because the damn finger hurt so bad). Drove to the hospital around the corner and got it stiched up. Good times :mischevious: Damn kids and girlfriend will not let me go back out. Apperently "the old man doesn't have it anymore" Anyway, for those of you that are interested in getting back into this or trying it out, go to http://www.ababmx.com/ and check it out. If you look under the tracks link, it will show you the ones in your area. Trust me when I say, your kids will love you for it, kids as young as 3 are out there. And if anybody needs a hookup for a bike, try http://www.bikealleybmx.com/ and tell Ruben Darby sent you. He'll take care of you, He's also a track owner if you have questions.
Yep, however they have recently started opening a few NBL tracks.
I don't know them or much about the team but I have heard that the Partida's are a bit on the annoying/irritating side and like the song says "anything you can do, I can do better." Once again, that is what I have heard but I have no personal experience with these people. It's just the reply I recived when I asked :mischevious: BMX gossip is funny
I was just curious if anybody on DDR is in the BMX racing scene. My kids have been doing it for about 2 years now and we spend at least 2-3 nights a week at a track. Just wondering if anybody else here is envolved and spending time doing this. If your not into this sport but looking for a way too exhaust your children and spend some of your hard earned cash doing something that's pretty cool, check into it. It's a lot of fun for the kids and the parents make a lot of new friends.
Tequila Tequila or Everclear 190 (from the south not ca)
LCD Shotgun or handgun (household protection)
We need an electrician and possibly an appliance repair person
DarbyCrash replied to Danielle's topic in General Chat
Check the "member business directory" on this site. I'm sure there is somebody in that. As for the micro, on some models, if you don't set the clock, the display does not work. -
It's Summer and not much to do with Dumont but I figured I'd start a thread for those that care. One of my customers is in the apperal industry and supplies a lot of big bands with the clothing they sell at concerts. I figured I'd share with those that care any info I find out from him and what he is producing. In the news: Jon Fogerty is on a world tour He's already hit Austrailia and Canada 311 and Snoop Dog are hitting it together soon (I believe this summer).