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Everything posted by DarbyCrash

  1. Time to :stir: STU Padla Brats or Skat Trax Extreme (refer to "How Many Paddles" thread)
  2. Peanut butter real or fake (boobs)
  3. All tickets $25. Isn't that the same price it would have been to see them individually in 1979. :black: :black: If they could have hooked Kansas into the deal it would be a trifecta. Hmmm, last concerts I went too was Stevie Nicks and before that Fleetwood Mac. Front row making eye love to Stevie. Damn she's hot. I love watching the old bands play. At the Fleetwood Mac concert, Lindsey kept disappearing behind a speaker during Mick solos. Some guy was bringing him water and I saw him mouth the words "I'm too old for this sh*t" Poor Lindsey looked like he was beat.
  4. I used to work for Dodge and I currently have a MegaCab. It's a b*tch to park but not as bad as my Chevy 3500 was. They can't put a longer bed on the megacab because they would have to reclassify the vehicle and that would entail a lot of work. that would have to be approved by the government agency that watches it.If They new they could sell a bunch of them, they might put forth then effort but The DOT and all the other leaders I talked to on of the big wigs at cooporate and he said it wasn' going to happen.+
  5. Little Dumont or at A/2 or B/6 (you sunk my battleship)
  6. Yep, and? :breakdance: $4.99 a gallon at 5 different gas stations I saw today. Finally passed one that had diesel on "sale" for $4.89. Ran my card 3 times and filled it up :chug:
  7. A thought to bring down the fuel prices. Legalize drugs (pot, coke, crys, L, X, crack) and whatever else I've missed here. Than tax the hell out of it and use the funds to help out the economy and pay the taxes on fuel. Either that or lets figure out a way to make our vehicle run off this stuff. I don't know the recipe but if a crack house can explode than that means it's a combustable. Gotta be a way to make an engine run off it. Even more fun and cheaper, a weed powered engine, Pot burns right. Or lets just give the Saudi's some good chit, Once their small, negotiate a trade, Oil for smallness.
  8. Another thing about the flippin diesel prices that's really pissin' me off. How many times do you have to run your card to "fill it up". The stations around here will only let you put $75 per swipe. I have to swipe the damn card 2-3 times to top it off. The 3rd time you have to go inside and see the cashier because you can only swipe at the pump twice. It's now not only rape but an inconvienence rape. Next time I go inside I'm going to ask Alibaba and his thieves or Paco for at least a reach around while they have me getting pumped at the pump :rant_on: :rant_on: .
  9. I almost forgot, one of my many favorites Bullitproof. Anything with Adam Sandler is great, Richard Pryor (the Toy) and of course Jackie Gleason (Smokey and the Bandit) are all great funny movie guys. The Farrelly brothers have put out a ton of hilarious movies (Shallow Hal and Kingpin)
  10. Animal House, Blues Brothers, Young Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde Together Again (hard to find but freakin hilarious), Deuce Bigalow, Blazing Saddles, 1941, Throw Mama from the Train, Dutch, The Last Remake Of Beau Gest, The Jerk, 40 Yearold Virgin, Bruce Almighty Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, Something about Mary (beans and franks ). Those are just a few "must sees" A lot of them are old movies but they are classics. Go to www.IMDB.com. They show every movie ever made and will give you some ideas. Anything done by Monty Python or Mel Brooks or starring John Candy, Chris Farley, Eddie Murphy, Jack Black, Jim Carrey, Bill Murray, John Belushi, Marty Feldman, Rodney Dangerfield or done by anybody who started out on Saturday Night Live will more than likely keep you rolling. The old movies are a lot better than a lot of the garbage that has come out in the past 10 years.
  11. I like mustard and onions on my bratwurst Back to paddles, which paddle will toss a turd (sand apple) farther and keep it somwhat intact if I hit one in 3rd gear on a piped '85 250R ATC while someone is riding behind me at the top of comp on a somewhat humid day in October. Keep in mind the turd is at least 6 hours old and I weigh about 220. I'd like it to go high enough to hit in the chest or possibly the goggles and explode on impact so I can have a good laugh
  12. MOTOXMAN More like MOTOXBOY JK It's okay, when I was 17 I knew everything too. Didn't your mama teach you to respect your elders :poke: :poke: :poke:
  13. I think I've got an answer to why people are so screwed up. Last night my girlfriends kid was having a discussion with his mother about stealing. (he's 15). Apperently during english class the teacher asked the kids if it's okay to steal and what their thoughts and opinions were. To my shock, it seems that most of the kids answered that "if they were poor and really needed something like food, shelter, protection or something they could sell to buy these things, then it's okay" Our future leaders and what this country gets to look foreward to when I'm old What the hell are parents teaching kids these days. I was raised that if you didn't or can't earn something than you don't need it (including lifes basic needs) Nobody ever has the right to take something that is not theirs I don't care how desperate or hungry you are. Needless to say I told him the same thing I've raised my kids with, "if I ever find out you lie, cheat or steal, I will cut off your tongue, cut off the hand that stole and haul you down to the person you screwed and give you to them myself" He's a pretty good, morally okay kid and I hope I made him understand that the line of thinking that his classmates are on is not correct. Unfortuantly, the girlfreind thought my words were a bit harsh I think kids should fear their parents and the consequences of bad judgement. Society is screwed if people don't take action in proper morals and good conduct and the education thereof.
  14. Well it looks like we finally hit $4.89 a gallon around here. This f'n blows. I actually rode my mountain bike which I bought 10 years ago to the store. Damn thing hasn't been ridden more than 3 times since I bought it. I don't beleive Iraq is a "war for oil" but if things keep going this way, I think it might be worth it to kick some arse and take their oil. Bottom line, diesel is a by-product of making gas. If the government would quit taxing the hell out of it everything would be cheaper. Their is no reason for fuel prices to be where they are at except greed. Oil producers have hit all time highs on a daily basis. The issues that they are having with their plants is bs and the "can't drill here" barkeaters are making it worse. As a country, we are the sh*t with our technology and scientific research and abilities we should not be in this situation. Somebody is getting rich and the average Joe is getting his a$$ handed to him. Sad thing is that no matter who is going to be running the show come November, it's not going to change a thing. Nothing is going to change until somebody takes a look at who's cookin' the books or the oil giants have government sanctions. Personally I think that instead of the stimulas checks, they should have taken that money and done away with fuel taxes for the next 5 years. Would have made a hell of a bigger difference to everybody and kept our fluctuating economy somewhat at bay
  15. I hate thieves and think they should be shot on site. I have a video camera on my driveway because my X and her 4th husband like to vandelize my stuff. I record at night and watch it when I have the gut instinct something was done. Found somebody and their friend trying to bust into my truck last Sunday morning. Pisses me off and makes me feel like I was cornholed that somebody would do that. I turned the video over to the Sheriff in hopes they could use it to catch the F-ers. If I see them, I'm going to shoot them in the crotch with my pellet gun (sense it's politically incorrect and socially unacceptable to blow somebody in half for breaking into a vehicle (I love my shotgun with the slugs in it) Still haven't caught the X yet. You should carry good insurence and rig a pipe bomb or a shotgun to your RV door.
  16. Very wise edit of this post. If you wouldn't have edited this, you would have just opened a huge jar of :freakin_nuts: :shocked2: :poke:
  17. STU Brats. That's right, paddles on the front as well. Brats are multi-purpopse:) I like my Sand Stars on the front as well. I ran Mohawks on my Banshee and they were nice. For straight lines (hill shooting) you want smoothies. For turning you (duning) you want a rib. For cost and to keep yourself from having to switch tires between desert and dunes, you want knobbies. Personally I've really never noticed a huge difference besides front end weight on the front tires. A little difference in handleing but nothing extreme. I buy my front tires more for looks than purpose. If you do a lot of racing than the weight savings helps but as for general duning, all your doing is pushing sand and any tire can do that by adjusting the tire pressure. I still run knobbies on all my bikes except one.
  18. I bought my kids some Socker Boppers for when they have disagreements like this, Would anybody like to borrow them http://www.bigtimetoys.com/sockerboppers/flvplayer2.html
  19. And in this corner representing STU we have the challenger And in this corner we have Click for your ring card girls in this battle of wits They're flippin' tires folks, everybody has their personal preference. Personal attacks about something so stupid. Next thing you know somebody is going to start a thread on thumb vs twist throttle and all hell will break loose. Watch the ring card girls and chill
  20. = :dance: = = = = :dance: For everybody else watching = = = = = = = = = = :poke: = :stir: = =
  21. 2 things I'd do before throwing $$ at it. Buy or borrow a gauge and do a leak down test. Drop the oil pan and check the pick up tube to see if it's clogged also inspect what you can in the pan and bottom of motor. If there is a lot of burnt oil and garbage, you might have some other issues. Did you just buy this thing or something?? The 6 cylinder is a pretty bullit proof motor. You really have to work at destroying one, damn things are like a diesel. Not unusual to get 400K out of one as long as you make sure it's got oil. The main thing I see with these motors is a cracked exhaust manifold usually by the bolts or under by the welds. That will cause a lack of power and other things but usually you can hear it.
  22. Call the ###. They send out so many of those letters at a time that 80% of the time you never have to go. I've received about 8 jury duty things over the past 20 years. I used to receive about 1 every other year until about 6 years ago when I actually had to go down to the court house.They finally got to questioning me and asked me if I could be unbiased towards the defendent and I told the attorney that "Sorry, but he just looks guilty" (20 year old popped for beating a cop with a beer bottle) Haven't gotten a letter since. Look at the bright side, maybe if it's something interesting, you could get a book deal and retire:)
  23. I found some things that just had to be added to this thread http://www.mulletheadrocks.com/
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