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Everything posted by crazymexeddie

  1. Nick and Kayla-both of you go together and annoy the crap out of each other with your wounded dolphins and diet pepsi!haha! Kayla i'm sure nick will follow you just enough to get a good look at your tail-light!
  2. Don you and your brothers are pretty good with riding with the pack.I like to ride with you Don and answer/ignore millions of useless questions from that drunk guy sittin behind you -remember him?!Did he ever shut up!? Anyways good drivin from the tres hermanos!
  3. What a great time at the dunes! :headbang: thanks to all who made it so much fun-dunefreak,duniemonkey, don,tim&joe haha!-let the skinny guy jump INTO the fire! tacomama,sandsnake,stalteri920 and his wife,steveo and lupe for Sex at Your House-shots that is haha!3rotor trav and his crew,rhinoking-thanks for letting me ride in your rhino BEFORE you decided to roll it! and so many others who were at our camp so many to name but everyone that usually posts on this site now I can put a face to a name and thats cool.Good to see that for such a crazy weekend at the dunes no really bad injuries reported and a fun time was had by all! :eatdrink021: :mc_smiley: :DDR_rocks!:
  4. my stomach hurts! I like mustard and ketchup mixed together ON EVERYTHING!
  5. JJ you dont have to ask me and pete twice about bud select!haha
  6. that must be all bud select right?! thats some funny stuff man!
  7. Hey-thats my chihuahua!Fat lady attached my dog to the back of her butt!
  8. Rhinoking what the heck! You can't ride those derr!
  9. Sweet truck! Check out mine!Its stuck in the dumont sand haha! I call this pic-MY STUCK TRUCK haha!
  10. Wow!Bigrigs like that can pull anything!Sweet!
  11. Ladies and gentleman the award goes to.........3rotorTrav for having the best office/lounge/bar EVER!!!
  12. Yo Isbb-you might get lucky with the manlygirl that sits at the bar! she or he is scary! :headbang:
  13. I'M NOT A POST WHORE! :headbang:
  14. Magnesium fires when this guy is around haha berrrrt! :mc_smiley:
  15. I will bring some fried chicken with this guy-says he knows ISBB!!!
  16. i'm going to satisfy my sand dunin craving for presidents day! :mc_smiley: -Be on the lookout for my stuck truck!
  17. SWEET PICS! I mean pictures haha! :mc_smiley: you had me too there for a second!
  18. Hey tony'I was lookin to get a dirtbike like yours!(yz426f) PM me on who you went through and maybe they can do a deal for me.Looking to get something to ride by maybe june or july!
  19. i'm saying that you should post a pic of your i-pod! ISBB-tape yours around a burrito! TACO- attach yours to your tacoma? RHINOKING- tape yours to your phone!
  20. Good to hear that nobody got hurt-Bert remember that your back isn't 100 percent anymore! -heck you still got metal bolts and screws back there right?
  21. Rhino king put on a helmet! Der! Don't wanna have to post up a good time gone bad about you someday!
  22. wow i'm confused-the burrito or the girl! I hope both will be at the party!
  23. I saw this on the web but i've seen this before!Notice the i-pod rubber banded to this guy's Razr phone! Let it be known that I got the i-pod nano for the holidays but returned it because I think all the little accessories are too expensive for what they do.
  24. Can i use the old mailbox for my mail?-JUST KIDDING!-good job crew!
  25. Pete put a picture of this in your garage at henderson chevy and throw darts at it! A new red ss chevy with a snow plow-NOT GOOD MAN-NOT COOL!
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