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Everything posted by GirlWithHorns

  1. oh my gosh. I know them. im glad they are doin alright.
  2. i dont know but ill be back to get them the fast bike has a new motor and its broken in noww ohh yeaaa
  3. im never riding that bike again. i cant start it or shift it. eff 2 strokes
  4. heyy that was right after you rode my bike naked!! you sicko
  5. nerf bars + stock yfz heelguards== Ghetto fabulous!! :fro:
  6. and i got 2 DDR shirts. effin gangsterr
  7. what a funny night , drunk people are hilarious. observations.. 1. Thank you Pete and Anna for having me and thanks for the GANGSTERR sticker 2. Dman is not and a-hole. 3. but Dan is 4. Pete,Cole & Kenny should NEVER look into music as a career. 5. Cdavego and Rhinoking look alot alike 6. "It's a knuckle" 7. Mutha Bitchez was said quite a few times. 8. Good times. 9. merrychristmas
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