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Everything posted by GirlWithHorns

  1. we just got satelite put in our trailer
  2. glad your improving i hope for th ebest :jester: merry christmas
  3. omgosh that one of you in in teh snow is funny cole
  4. honestly , who puts rails together at night? your going
  5. how old do you have to be to attend? lol
  6. that gold sticker is pretty darn gangsterr
  7. It was a pretty fun weekend. Quite entertaining. some observations... 1.Ouch 2.Cole made up a new word " DISORIENTATED" 3.JoeDuner's a$$ hurts 4.Rhino's are useful 5.Don't laugh at people who wreck cause your bike will blow up 6.I am NEVER riding a dirtbike again. 7.Stacey thinks i drive rhino's crazy or somethingg 8.Pete,Joe and Stacey's brother are hard to keep up with in the dunes 9.Coals under your chair is just like heated seats 10.Sorry about your rail Pete glad you and Pauly are okay 11.Fun weekend overall only got 2 pictures oh well :]
  8. my dad said its not mine cause ill blow it up ...RUDE
  9. i can say both of those OLD SCHOOL LT500 its older then me . for sure
  10. two? chase is the only sh*t talker i know of
  11. Pink= :freakin_nuts: i want new riding boots.
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