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Everything posted by GirlWithHorns

  1. call us old fashioned but we wait til we get to the dunes then make a sandwich
  2. she was hella weird. i dont get people these days haha
  3. heck ya way to fun. p.s. you have the coolest rhino EVER :chev_bowtie:
  4. oh andrew is so fine! LOL haha the chevy would get dirty duhh haha way to fun we gotta camp together next time for sure.
  5. i wonder if it was the same girl that came in to our camp saturday night haha i guess she wandered into our camp saying that her friends left her then some guys from our camp took her in the rhino and she pointed out right where it was. what a freak
  6. and no pete we didnt camp with tony but me and the people from the shrek car met up with them at comp last night and we hung out with them there. the guy gave a couple of tony's friends a ride up the hill...they liked that
  7. that shrek car is awesome the guys wife was driving it and i was with her and we were doing wheelies i dunno i was about to go up the left side of comp and i got like 1/4 of the way up the hill and it went CLANG and shut off. its a POS
  8. well, i thought that there weren't gonna be that many people..but there was. the weather was really nice. observations: Im NEVER going to comp by myself again. bike blew up ...again Girls can drive rails better than boys . stalteri920 says i dont look that tall on the internet stalteri920's friends are really freakin HOT. here's some pictures. best lookin DDR truck out there this weekend some dunes. camp. the rails from camp..ohhhh the Shrekmobile. and the fastest rail ive ever been in . that thing is scary fasst! i finally got to see the south pole very fun weekend except for the quad breaking.
  9. we are for sure going now. look for the horns
  10. thats not a dog. thats a frikin horse
  11. we will most likely be out there i cant wait
  12. whats wrong with white? it looks nice white.
  13. maybe you could paint me a deer
  14. those are dan's favorite shoes
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